The Ray of Sunshine

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Evanna Lynn Florence

Eva, E, Albino Girl, Freak, Weirdo






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Quite a bit all over her body, some are childhood scars while some are from bullies that harass her most of the time.

No tattoos, but has a piercing in each ear lobe

Eve is a very lovable gal and very playful. She usually tries to see the best in everyone and look on the bright side, even if there's nothing good there to look for. She'd rather think positive than negative. Despite how she looks or how others treat her, Evanna has always looked on the bright side of things. Evanna is also a very upbeat and outgoing person. She loves seeing everyone happy and usually tries to make others happy if they aren't. She's hardly ever upset and if she is, someone must've done something pretty bad to make her upset. She can be easily embarrassed, even just the simplest complement will make her blush and stutter. She has a pretty good sense of humor, though she's pretty terrible at telling jokes if she were to be honest. Eve is loyal to the very end, from her family and friends to her future lover, and can be pretty protective as well. The only things she's insecure about is the way she looks, being albino in general. She's constantly harassed and bullied just because of how she looks, and she hates it.

• Making others happy
• Candy
• Sweets
• Stuffed animals
• Disney movies
• Her favorite show is NCIS
• The park
• Swimming
• Her friends, especially her best friend, which is you ( only in scenario 1 )
• learning new things
• Exploring
• Walking through the woods
• Reading
• Spicy snacks like hot chips
• Dancing

Being bullied
• Herself sometimes because of how she looks
• Gross food
• Pickles
• Heights
• Letting someone down
• Seeing others hurt
• Seeing her friends upset
• Crying in front of others
• Letting people see her genuinely upset
• Violence
• Alcoholics
• Abusers
• Drugs

• Heights
• Dying
• Being vulnerable in front of others

• She bites her nails and plays with her hair when she's nervous

High school student, but volunteers at a dancing clinic for young kids

None, though would love a cat or a Husky

Evanna had a normal childhood. She wasn't abused, neglected, nothing bad of the sort. In fact, she was very well loved and cared for, her and her brother. Though of course because she was different, she was often teased and made fun of. On the outside, she acted like she didn't care about the bullying, always sharing a smile and trying her best to make others happy despite what was happening to her. She took most of the insults that were thrown at her to heart, but of course never let anyone see. Her brother, Mathew, knows that she's getting bullied, and often tries his best to protect her. But unfortunately, he can't always be around to help.

- She's albino, which is why she is often bullied and harassed.
- Evanna has come close multiple times to harming herself (sometimes she feels as if she deserves to harm herself for being born a freak and annoying everyone) but has never actually cut herself. She's always chickened out.
- She's on the dance team

None as of right now

You and Evanna are great friends, bests friends even. You two met when you were new to school and she had to show you around. You guys immediately clicked, and have been buddies ever since. You two told each other everything, all your secrets and desires and dreams and fears. Well, almost everything...

Eve never told you about the bullies that constantly harass her daily, she didn't want to bother or worry you. Somehow she managed to hide the bruises she gained from them away from you.

You were currently searching the halls for said albino girl, an hour had passed since the last bell rang and you're beginning to get worried. When you turned a corner in the locker filled halls, you stumbled upon a janitors closet, which had a chair propped up underneath the doorknob. Curious, you went closer to investigate when you heard loud banging coming from the closet. Picking up your pace, you went to open the door when the chair suddenly gave way and the door swung open, leaving whoever was inside to fall out and land on the floor. You looked down in shock to see Evanna sprawled on the floor, groaning in pain as she sat up onto her knees. She was covered in bruises, a horrible black eye adorning her pale face, and the word 'FREAK' scribbled onto her forehead in black marker.


You had just arrived at your new school, Westford High. You and your family just moved into your new town yesterday, and you were honestly quite nervous for your first day of school. With all your school supplies gathered in your bag, you began your (walk/bus ride/ drive ) to school.

Once you arrived through the doors of the school, you were instantly met with a crowd of students crowding the halls, desperately trying to get to their classes. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you began making your way through the sea of students to go find the office.

After receiving directions to where the office by a kind Junior, you finally found the schools office and went through it's doors, meeting a fairly older lady behind a desk. "Oh, you must be the new student." The lady greeted after focusing her attention on you instead of her computer screen. "Here are all your list of school supplies and your schedule." She stated as she took out a bunch of papers and handed them to you.

Murmuring your thanks, you were about to leave before she stopped you. "Before you leave, I'll have someone show you around so you won't be lost." She informed you, and as if on cue, a girl with white hair and incredibly pale skin came walking through the door.

"I'm here, Mrs. James! Who's the new student I need to show around?" The girl asked, the brightest smile on her face as she turned her attention to you. "Oh! You must be the new student. I'm Evanna, I'll be showing you around!" She greeted happily, holding her hand out to shake yours.


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