Chapter 36

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The scream was blood curdling and pierced my inner most soul. It split the air just as I arrived at what looked like an army base.

It was in ruins and it took me a while to locate the owner of the scream. Claire and...oh my god no.

I pushed passed Carson who didn't move. He had a bruise on his cheek and a cut under his eyes. He held his gun slack and even after Sam and I stared at him he didn't take his eyes away from the figures on the ground.

Ryker ran out of the building, blood spatter on his face, he saw Claire first and then Carson. He seemed to gather himself skidding to a halt, his eyes were wide.

Slowly I walked over, Sam by my side, Claire didn't look up she continued staring a hole into the ground. She wasn't crying like I had expected. She looked exhausted.

"Claire?", I asked.

Her eyes drifted up to mine, they were dead. She didn't feel anything. She wasn't feeling what I was, she wasn't given hope. The last strand of it lay in her arms.

Adeline had her eyes closed, her features forever still. There was no coming back from this. Her bandage was soaked and her clothes too, there was a hole in her chest and judging by Claire's hand I knew gathered what had happened.

"They will be leaving soon", a voice said from behind me.

I've never seen this girl before. She had a strong face and aura about her.

"Claire she's gone, we need to finish this", Ryker said quietly, almost cautiously.

Claire breathed deeply and laid the body down gently, she stared at it for a little bit longer. Then got up.

"Where are they?", She asked the girl.

Without a word the girl walked forward, Claire's body started emitting a faint blue glow, as if in response Sam's hair glowed too. My body didn't react like that, or so I think, but I could feel surges through my body. I didn't know what was happening but I was ready to defend. For Sebastian.

For what they've done to him. For what they made him do. The hope I was given was the only thing that stopped me from losing my mind. I don't know when my feelings had started but it had, and I wasn't going to give up on it. I don't know if my parents were still alive so for now I had only that.

We got to what was suppose to be a dormitory but it was empty. The strange girl flicked a switch and instead of a light going on a section of the floor fell away. Claire didn't say anything and walked inside, a strong stride no one dared stop.

I looked at Sam who nodded at me and I followed the girl and Ryker down.

We weren't even half way down when there were groans and yelling from the end. Blue lights sparked, lighting the ground. A scream and the sound of a body cracking against the floor. I ran down and saw the girl and Claire fighting the guards and soldiers, to the far right in the open space was a ship powering up. I made my way there.

"Laura?", Claire shouted at me.

I turned around, she wasn't gonna stop me from attacking this ship too.

"Helen Bell is mine".

I nodded, relieved she didn't stop me. But soldiers did. This wasn't worth my time, I lifted my hands and a blue light threw them back. I ran up and grabbed a soldier by the head, his body rippled as his facade started fading, it took me off guard but out of pure disgust I broke his neck. I stumbled back. Not quite believing what I just did. I didn't see the soldier aiming a gun at me until Ryker pointed one right at me but he didn't shoot me he shot the soldier instead.

I nodded a little thank you, he nodded back and swung around in time to clip a guard on the side of the head. I made for the doors of the ship. An anger inside me like none other. I went at it with instincts I didn't know I had. 

Inside was made up of machines and devices I have never seen, not even in Gaia. Their technology was much more advanced than what they let us know. I didn't have time to fascinate over them because I was immediately stormed by soldiers, now not bothering to look like us anymore. It took me by surprise but with a strength that came with the anger I saw through it and attacked with a range of defenses I didn't know I had. A soldier knocked me down from behind and I flipped over ready to attack, he came for me and tackled me down onto my back, he grabbed for my neck and I grabbed his arms pulling them apart. He looked at me with surprise and with extra effort I snapped his forearm, he screamed in  a very human voice and I almost felt sorry. Collapsing next to me I turned my attention to the others, there were so many of them to take on with just me.

Then Sam was there. She will always be there. Her hair glowed blue and her eyes matched them.

Outside I heard explosions and I took note to match it, the power came fr somewhere I didn't know, I had never used it before today and probably won't want to ever again after this. In the back of my mind I knew they regretted making us, thinking we were just going to get greedy like they did, take advantage of being powerful. In some way we were, but not against our own people.

A soldier clipped me in the jaw and I reeled back, I hadn't expect it and saw stars, he took advantage of my disorientation and grabbed me around the neck, he was twice my size and I was getting tired, I grabbed his wrists and tried to pry them apart but he just tightened. Pressure built up in my head and panic set it and I looked to Sam. She crush a woman's skull and turned to make her way to me but suddenly she was grabbed and yanked off her feet landing on her side, Helen turned from Sam to glare at me.

The rims of me eyes burned and I choked as no air found my lungs. I kicked him in the chest and he stumbled, his hands eased but was still a death grip.

Suddenly the entire ship rumbled and shook. I fell to the ground gasping. My throat burned and hurt. I looked up coughing and saw Claire stood inside the ship. Not fuming but her eyes firmly locked on Helen.

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