Chapter 9

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"What you saw last night was just the beginning, this entire city will feel what it felt like to lose a home , to lose yourself, and pretend to be what you're not. I will build an army and when it's time you humans will have hell to pay. But an army alone won't stop them, that's where Claire comes in. Our ultimate weapon. With a piece of us running through her veins she is unstoppable, all she needs is a little nudge. What more does she have to lose once you gone. She'll forget you and the human race."

I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat, my heart raced. Then it happened what I feared would happen, despite everything she had just told me it still shook me to my core. Her salt and pepper hair went completely white, her skin paled, her eyes flashed bright blue, her ears retracted into her head...

She walked closer to me, "You would have made the perfect weapon, but it was Claire who was the favourite. We knew it from the moment we saw her, she still shows progress. It's just unfortunate that she needs to lose a few people so she can reach her full potential."

My face burned as fear gave way to rage and gripped my insides like an iron first. How can she smile when she thinks of killing people? No one in their right mind does that.

Something came over me. It started from my chest and spread into my stomach, down into my arms and fizzed at my fingers. I saw white, pure white rage. I launched myself at her. She wasn't expecting it

I tackled her to the ground, she shrieked and clawed at me. Four pairs of arms grabbed me and shoved me against the wall. They didn't come at me one at a time, these guards came all at once, three of them drew their guns. I looked last them at Helen gaining her composure, if I could get to her they could do nothing. Or if I could just get out... I pressed the ring again. Was it broken?

A guard grabbed me roughly by the arm.

"I'm sorry it had to be like this," Helen tutted. Her features went back to looking human, scaling back, pushing away the pale of her alien skin. A syringe was drawn out, long needle extended out. My eyes grew wide as I stared at it coming my way, my breathing quickened.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt, I'm not that... inhumane," she smiled at her joke. "You just fall asleep and die. You won't feel a thing."

I struggles against the arms that held me in place, she made it sound like an honour to die like this. Last minute I kicked the guard with the needle in the groin, he doubled over letting go of the syringe. In one swift movement I head butted the two holding me. My felt light headed as I kicked the oncoming and lunched another in the face. I doubled over for a second stepping back against the wall to gain my balance. They didn't give me time, however.

I straightened up and stepped forward crushing the syringe, then yelling to get strength from my anger charging right for her despite them being the only barrier in my way. I slipped under open arms, the guards briefly having a grip on the end of my hair and landed a clean one right on the side of her jaw. Helen stumbled back with her hand on her face.

Suddenly I was lifted from the ground and slammed through the glass table. This is hardly fair, I thought solemnly as I gasped for breath, I opened my eyes to come face to face with a gun.

With all the energy that remained from my oxygen deprived lungs, I grabbed a shard of glass burying it in his leg, he didn't scream like I had wanted, just growled and dropped his stance as blood spurted from his thigh, I knew learning weak spots on the human body would do me good sometime. I grabbed his gun and fired hoping someone heard, I ran for the door and rattled it but the door wouldn't open.

I looked back at Helen who actually had the audacity to smile. This frustration was making me shake, I aimed and fired right a her, but all missed, a guard wobbled my way and I hit him with the gun, literally hearing his nose break. I shot two more coming my way, then out of a burst of energy that surges through me I ran and hit my knee into a guards face that was just beginning to recover. He crashed down

"Come on!" I yelled. Helen looked wide eyed at me then a smile spread slowly. Was she proud? My shoulders heaved and my teeth rattled as I tried to control myself, my eyes were tearing up. I hated when that happened.

"You would have been incredible," she whispered, "You like an animal. You fight trained soldiers like they're nothing, look at you."

I growled and stepped forward just as recovered guards got up, the door flew open before I could even take another step. Everyone stood frozen and looked at the two guard stood still. There was the sound of something powering up and then--

Shoop! Shoop!

I have never heard something fire like that before. The guards fell forwards smoking from their backs. Aimed my gun at the door but didn't shoot.

"Mom," I croaked.

"Adeline!" She rushed in and hugged me. "Are you hurt? Oh my god you are." she looked at my hands and shoulder.

"Where were you?" I cried then looked around, Helen was gone, "Wait, Helen was here! She was right here."

"I know honey," she said. She indicated for the men behind her to spread out, "Come, we have to get you out of here, reinforcement will be here soon."

"But the president--"

"It's okay, we've got this," she answered quickly, steering me out of the room. Ryker was standing there but he didnt say anything as he indicated to the opposite direction of the celebration, we went up a stairs to the roof.

The wind was strong and I shivered in my jumpsuit, mom took off her jacket and drapes it over me, not letting me go. There was a helicopter waiting there. Mom got in while Ryker helped me.

The engines started up and my stomach lurched, I threw up. Mom rubbed my back and I lay my head on her chest.

Ryker stood leaning out the door. I looked at him, then at my mom.

"Won't they see us? And follow?"

"We have stolen some of their technology, the exterior is made from a material from their world that camouflages with its background, they can hear us but they can't see us."

I nodded and looked outside, we couldn't even fly away from this place. I closed my eyes, my body hurt in places, sleep would be the only way to escape that now. I don't know where we were going or what was going to happen but for now as long as my mom was with me I was okay. I felt safe.


Hi everyone

Firstly sorry for any grammatical errors I had made, I tried to correct every mistake but don't think I got around to all of it. This story is unedited and two seperate stories I wrote in the 9th grade and never finished so I decided to make it one hehe.


That's the end of Part 1 , Please let me know what you think and what you think will happen.

I'll be trying my best to start on Part 2 ;)

Bye bye

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