• 𝐈𝐗 •

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Song playing: Monster - Exo 

[𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧]

" His heart was made of stone

Forever him alone

Now she got his heart to melt

This pain should soon be dealt "

She made him happy. that girl made him smile and laugh like no other. That one specific human made him furious and sad, but also made him feel loved—something he never felt from family, or the whole society itself. It was such a foreign feeling. One that was a complete stranger to him. Being cared for? What is that?! Caring for someone? Never!

•  She got me going crazy   •

So like how any other entity would feel, he hated it. He hated that the girl made him feel all those things. Because before her, there was no one. No one he actually cared about or loved. Sure, the demon had his parents and friends, but his love for her could never compare to any other thing or person he's ever loved. Still, there was something he was well aware of. What he felt was in no way love, yet a part of him kept believing it was. A part of him from old times.

•  Why is my heart racing?  •

his friends? well he didn't even care for them one bit. they were just a pawn to him, each one a small worth in his mind, In his twisted game of chess. One that no matter what, you would always lose. One that the king could die before getting near. None of them were even inside his dead heart. but her, everything was about her, His beautiful, sweet, little goddess. everyday he kept looking at her, building a room for the kid in his house, getting everything ready for his plans. The oh so b ig ones.

•  You're beautiful, my goddess   •

A plan where the king got to claim his queen. but he was impatient. he wanted her, fast, but he needed her trust first, her love. To him, it was like the love between the king of underworld, Hades, and his dear Persephone. Some say Hades kidnapped the innocent and beautiful goddess of spring, and some say they actually fell in love. But that part didn't matter, what mattered was that he wanted her on his side.

•  But you're closed off  •

That's why he was so possessive of the said female. He was scared to lose something so special to him. To lose the source of his happiness. To lose his source of power, his motivation. Yes, she gave him a reason to go more, to do more, and to keep planning.

•  I will knock on your door, so will you let me in?  •

Coming out of the room she made fore her- for them, he sat back on his throne, the demon couldn't take his eye off the small portal he made. why did she has to be so....... perfect? So mesmerizing, so Addicting.

•  I'll give you a hidden thrill  •

But after all these years he still wondered, what made him love (y/n) so much that now, there's no room to let her go? It was all the stupid vessle's fault, if it wasn't for that baby prince then he wouldn't have had such a weakness. A growl left his lips, his one eye glaring at the air. She had to pay for his heart, no one could stole something from him, get something from him and not give anything in return.

𝐃𝐮𝐥𝐜𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐬 ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ᶜⁱᵖʰᵉʳ ᶠᵃᵐⁱˡʸWhere stories live. Discover now