1:The forest

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I don't know where it went wrong I  thought , but all I could say is that I may have had many regrets ...


I was being awakened by sunlight , my blurry vision desperate to  ajust  to this unfamiliar surroundings . I sat up looking around . My book-bag with all my belongings were gone and I was in a gigantic  forest in a greenhouse round glass covering like Sandy's house from Spongebob SquarePants . I got up since I surely couldn't just sit here and expect someone to come magically to my rescue . I began to walk around a bit . 

????? - "So how many of 'it' have you acquired .."

????-"Gotta be at least 300 total . " 

????-"Let's hope they're more exciting than the previous generation ..."

????-"Initiate the 1st phase ....."



I palmed my ears on reaction to the sudden alarm that blasted loudly for about 3 seconds . I hesitantly removed my hands to just in caution that there may be another one . A sound coming from a bit far away caught my ear . I turned towards there and saw a black bird that fly up along with some leaves that came up into the air . That alone told me that whatever it was , it had to have been huge to cause that so I jogged until I was running while hoping it wasn't a big and deadly animal . 

I kept running and eventually slowed down when I reached a part where it looked more calmer

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I kept running and eventually slowed down when I reached a part where it looked more calmer . I looked up and saw a large gate that looked like it lead to another forest which meant it was possible there could be more people here . I decided to let that be my goal . 

Meanwhile . ...

Someone's P.O.V 

I ran through the thick bushes while jumping over some large logs here and there and pushing aside numerous branches from my face . 


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Someone's P.O.V 

It was closing in on me so I had to get into action now . I carefully jumped on each vine . I knew they sensed me as they started to twist around in the ground and the hole opened up a bit . As I kept jumping across I finally got to the other side and stopped waiting for the monster to attack me . It got closer and closer until it jumped on the vines and in reaction the moving vines pulled the monster down into the ground and it landed in the deep hole with a thud  . GOT IT ! 

????-"Well would you look at that , a few managed to defeat it in their own way even if it's not dead they won either way ... ...lower her gate ....."

????-"Maybe this may be the gen we have been looking for all this time ..."

????-"Huh?! Crap , what the heck !"

????-"What's wrong ?"

????-"O-one of them annihilated  it "

????-"Impossible "

*Looks at monitor *

????-"Y-you're  right but again there it nothing to worry about , they are caged cattle of course . "

Y/N P.O.V 

I was getting closer and closer until a loud shriek was heard . It sounded like it was in pain , hunger and it was very monstrous . This made me quicken my pace but something in my gut told me to look out . I froze in my spot as I slowly turned around an looked . It was a  very fearful and haunting sight . Drool ran down the sides of it's abnormal mouth and it's teeth was sharp and huge like a shark's but only bigger . It was making it's way towards me but it froze as if trying to spot it's target however I'm unsure how it can't see everything with that amount of eyes ....

To be continued.......

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