3: The first game .

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Y/N P.O.V 

It was dead-silent as growls echoed through the large room . 

There it was

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There it was ...a monster . Everyone started freaking out . The monster seem to hear the noise so it lunged at us and started taking out many one by one . I ran back to the hug elevator door with a lot of other people . There were other monsters coming into view here and there . It swallowed , shredded and crushed many . Suddenly a loud bang caught everyone's attention . Some people had guns so they tried to fight off the monster but it was too powerful . I was busy trying to hide between the crowds trying to make sure it doesn't put it's full attention on me . I was terrified but any wrong move can be the end . I was trying to keep my breathing normal and think normal so that I don't end up passing out or anything . 

Person-"AHHHHH!!--" I almost felt like crying . If there is any chance that I get out of here just any..... I ran but stopped seeing the big monster in front of me . It had jumped down from above. My pupils were jumping but I didn't get any time to move away as it already send me flying and I hit the wall with a loud thud . I was starting to lose consciousness until everything went blank . 

Someone's P.O.V

I saw the girl I met earlier unconscious again . As much as I would like to help her , that monster is way to close to her may as well say she's already gone and not only that ..this is an all man for themselves situation ....the chances of surviving is very limited . Not even guns are working on these things then what will!? I looked over again only to see the girl is not there anymore . I saw the monster in the same spot as it was still not moving an inch . ...Maybe it already ate her . I turned to look somewhere else but turned back at the scent of strong blood . Out of no where the monster body  started slicing sending out gushes of blood out each cut . It was coming from the inside of it until the monster got too many slices and vanished with crumpling kind of thing . Then I saw the same girl standing there but her hair covered her eyes as she stood still with a gleaming dagger covered in blood and saliva from the monster . She suddenly pit her hair up into a pony tail and smirked with eyes of a murderer . I thought she was about to attack the other monsters but she started wobbling until she fainted . There were no monsters in the area so I went by quickly to help her up . Not many realized what happened as there were all at the other side of the room fending for their lives ....matter of fact I don't think anyone  but me noticed at all . 

Person-"TAKE COVER ! " In reaction I ducked down , putting my hands over my head before hearing an explosion . 


Everything around me was a blur but I saw smoke and a bit of flames in the air . My ears feel kinda weird so I can tell something loud was heard . I felt someone supporting me on their shoulder but before I can see their face ....everything went blank . ....




Y/N P.O.V 

I woke up in an elevator . I could barely remember a thing . There were others among me in it but a good amount seemed to be missing . I tried to recollect my thoughts .....all I remembered was the whole monster situation and then blacking out and then waking up to smoke and flames with someone supporting me ...and a voice that I think was the P.A system saying congrats you passed and not to forget ...an explosion ?? I decided to let me head relax and not overthink anything ...at least I made it out right ...

*Voice* CONGRATS CONGRATS ! You all made it out the first test ...but..that was only and introduction compared to what we really have to offer . 

Hearing this gave me shivers .What could possibly be worse than what we just experienced , and what is this place....

*Voice*Of course you all are wondering what this place is ...well I'll make it quick just like I did for the others ,who you all will be meeting soon , this is a survival camp basically , each one of you have been investigated both in school life and private life and each has an unltimate talent , you all will be given an idea that helps you understand more , also this is not a regular school obviously , you will also be given classes as regular sometimes and some hmmm how should I saw this ...more advanced in special types of stuff classes. More explanation will be given when you all reach the auditorium where you would meet the others !

SO THERE ARE OTHERS . That means they already went through what we did so they must be waiting on us in order to get more info . I just want to scream out to let me out but knowing they may kill me and I have no idea who they are it's best to just wait and keep quiet . 


Y/N P.O.V 

The elevator stopped and opened . Everyone started walking out so I did too . It lead to a  whole auditorium with a lot of other kids and maybe young adults .

Voice * Ehem gather around 

????-"My name is Monokuma but you may address me as Mr

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????-"My name is Monokuma but you may address me as Mr. or Sir Monokuma" A talking teddy-bear spoke on the mic .

Monokuma-"Some of you came with people here . Anyways there are student IDs that belong to you , you will receive them in your dorms ...Anyways in this school you will be thought like a normal student but you will have to go through certain tests,challenges , games , etc and you are also allowed to kill people , once someone kills another they will be able to graduate however....there will be a debate to see who the killer may be . Usually there will be a limit of 16 seats but due to  amount of people we will be doing it differently so  we will request students to write the name of the person who they think is the murderer and if most of the people get it right , the killer loses and will be punished with death but if the majority of people lose the killer will be rewarded with a  prize of whatever they request and 10 billion dollars . However there are certain things they cannot ask for . There are more basic rules but they will be in the rule book placed in your rooms . I was gonna put you all right to phase 2 but you all looked tired so I'll let it slide heheh..."

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