💚Bruno X Ftm!Reader💚

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"Mi príncipe"


I don't like this...

Why did I have to look like this?

This is all wrong...

The venom of his own mind was devouring him. He wanted to break the mirror, break himself, lock his door and never come out again.

He couldn't even be sad the right way. He just laid there and cried. Sobbed silently into the pillows, white knuckled hands gripping his sheets, tears streaming endlessly down his face.

The young man was curled up under the sheets, completely covered as to not let any light in.
(Y/N) didn't want to see anything, he didn't want anyone seeing him like this..

But he did hear the door creaking open.

Footsteps leading to the bed.

The light squeak of a rat.

(Y/N)'s sobs were answered by the small furry creature worming it's way inside the sheets, sitting on the pillow only a few inches away from the young man's face.

He tentatively reached up a hand to pet it's soft brown fur, his graceful digits smoothing down the small rat's back so, so gently.

And he didn't stop, not even when the sheets lifted up and fell back down as another man entered the safe haven (Y/N) found himself in.

"Mi príncipe.."

Bruno couldn't help but stare at him.

His prince, his darling angel that had somehow found him and had loved him unconditionally for the better part of a year now.

(Y/N) cared not for the disdainful looks he got whenever he was seen with Bruno. Didn't even seem to notice the shock on the villagers' faces whenever he made it apparent they were dating.

The fortune teller's heart always raced when it came to the younger man. His laugh, how he carried himself, his unwavering aura of... good. Of love. Of patience that radiated off of him whenever he talked to his nieces and nephews or helped out his family with the odd job or two.

Bruno's family had accepted him way quicker than he expected. I mean.. how couldn't they?

And now, the sweet, gentle soul he had fallen in love with was crying his heart out in his bed.
Countless tears running down his cheeks, his eyes red and eyebrows knitted together. Although, much to Bruno's relief, his boyfriend's features softened and his breathing slowed as he was presented with one of his rats.

Even when he was this distraught he could still offer affection.

Offered love.

Bruno was determined to do the same. He slowly reached up a hand to wrap around (Y/N)'s waist, closing the gap between them as the small rat huddled up to the younger man's hand.

A weak chuckle escaped him, tears still running down his face. Bruno wiped them away, cradling (Y/N)'s cheek in his hand, gently caressing it with his thumb.

The latter's eyes fluttered closed and his breathing stabilized, leaning into the older man for comfort.

And by Gods, Bruno was gonna make sure he'd get it.

His stubble poked and scratched lightly at the other man's face as he laid kisses all over (Y/N)'s face. His forehead, his eyelids, moving down to the bridge of his nose, the corner of his mouth...

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this..."

Bruno's eyebrows knitted upwards, worrisome and sad over his words.

"Oh no, no, no, mi cielito, don't ever be sorry for that."

(Y/N) curled up into himself again, choking back a sob.

Bruno's heart broke at the sight. He rested his forehead against (Y/N)'s, his arms coiling tightly around the other's smaller frame before sighing.

One of his hands went back to hold (Y/N)'s face, the other went to hold his hand, only to be met with fluffy, sleek fur and a high pitched squeak.

He smiled half heartedly, watching the rat crawl out of the sheets and off to somewhere in the dunes of his room.

The younger man nuzzled closer to him, tucking his head underneath Bruno's chin. He shivered at the feeling of his boyfriend's lips ghosting over his collarbone, but swallowed and held him tighter.

"Look, I know i'm not the best at telling you how I feel. I always use way too many words or not enough... But you mean the world to me, (Y/N)."

The (h/c) haired man in question raised his head to look up at him, both of them still completely covered by the silky white sheets of Bruno's bed.

"A-And I know it might be hard to believe, but no matter how much your head tells you all those horrible things, I'll always be there to remind you who you really are."

Neither of them broke eye contact as Bruno started to tear up as well.

"You're (Y/N). You're a sweet, loving, incredible man and boyfriend."

There it was.

Another light chuckle came from his príncipe as he spoke.

"W-Well I'm not gonna lie, I do want to be able to call you my husband one day... No pressure, though! I just, i just think that- that..."

He was smiling.

He laughed again, and he was smiling!

Bruno smiled along with him, tightening his hold on his waist.

"(Y/N) Madrigal, husband to Bruno Madrigal. I just think it fits. What do you think?"

(Y/N) moved upwards slightly, just enough so that he'd be at eye level with his boyfriend. He went to wipe away his tears, not seeming to notice he himself was still crying.

"I think it fits too..."

Bruno couldn't hold back. As much as he wanted to, he wasn't capable of resisting him. His sweet doe eyes, soft hair framing his face, the lovestruck smile reserved to him and him only.

Of all the men in the world, this prince had chosen him.

And he wasn't gonna let him go.

The two men shared countless kisses in his- no. Their bed.

Their room.

Their future together as husbands awaited them, and Bruno couldn't wait for it.

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