🦋Mirabel X Reader🦋

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Sun rays filtered into the room through the slits of the blinds; her room was bathed in the morning light and the air was still chilly... she could tell it was still pretty early.

Mirabel felt a hand sneak around her waist, pulling her fully from her half-asleep state.

And when another hand went to lightly stroke her cheek, fingers brushing against her cheekbone, she thought...

Wait, this was too good to be true.

Was this a dream?

Little by little, Mirabel began to remember everything from last night.

The sound of laughter and dancing, music becoming distant as a young couple hid away in the hallways just to kiss;

The couple was.. her and you.


You had been looking into her eyes that evening.

You were holding her close and kissing her face and arms until she laughed and pushed you away;

Your gaze had never left hers when you two got separated during dinner.

Your hand held hers as she led you through the dance floor when you got too overwhelmed by the crowd.

Your lips never seemed to stop their attack on her own lips and neck.

And your voice matched hers, whispering hushed declarations of love and need against each other's skin; not bothering to care who listened.

She had been crushing on you for what felt like forever. You couldn't have been for her. She thought you would never be with her, the giftless Madrigal.

And yet here you were, laying half asleep in her bed, looking at her like she was your whole world.

You pulled Mirabel close, kissing her forehead and resting your chin on top of her head. In return, Mirabel tucked her face into the crook of your neck, wrapping her arms around you and squeezing you lightly.

"Morning, amor..."

Mirabel frowned against your neck when she felt you tense up and stir, trying to fully wake up.

"Mira, I think we slept in."

Said girl reached up a hand from underneath the covers to pet your head, pushing herself even closer to you, if that were possible.

"We don't have anything to do today, iss fine.."

Mirabel audibly groaned when you let go of her and sat up to look at the time.

Granted, to the young Madrigal, the only good thing about not being face deep in her lover's embrace was, well... Actually looking at them.

Your pjs hung loosely around your form and your eyes were still glazed over with sleep. The morning rays painted over your skin in slim stripes, the golden light shining deep in your eyes.

Yeah it was corny! She loved you, and if Mirabel Madrigal was anything, it was corny.

And sneaky.

This was her chance.

"Do you think we should get u-wOaH!-"

Through your hazy, half asleep consciousness, you had barely registered Mirabel pulling you down by your shoulders and effectively pinning you down underneath her.


You loved seeing her without glasses. As much as you loved them, seeing her face in it's full beauty made you unable to think straight.

You tried to wriggle a hand out of your girlfriend's strong grasp, to no avail.

"Where do you think you're going? We haven't had a sleepover in so long, I-I thought you liked sleeping in..."

You laid there breathlessly as your lovely girlfriend went on to list every single reason as to why you two should stay in bed.

You tried to listen, you really did.

Her eyes were just... So pretty and in the way of that.

"Mira, you sound pretty awake for someone that wants to sleep in."

With another frustrated groan, she flopped down beside you, an arm draped over your stomach.

"I don't wanna sleep in, I just wanna cuddle..."

Could you really resist her when she was like this?

"Alright, princesa, I'm all yours."

The covers fully covered the both of you again, giggling and sharing kisses in the comfort of her bed.

You only let go to catch your breath, leaning back just enough to gasp and letting her pull you back in.

You were all hers.

Her Sunshine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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