Chapter 8

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It has been 2 days since the robbery and Cas had to stay in the hospital because the doctors wanted to keep an eye on him. But Dean never left his side. Every night he would sleep on the couch. At one point, Cas had a nightmare from the robbery and Dean came and sang Let It Be by The Beatles to him until he fell back asleep.

"You're never going home! You will never see Dean again!" Crowley growled as he pinned Cas up against a wall. "No one is around to hear you scream. There is no one here Castiel!" Crowley lifted a knife and plunged it into Cas' stomach. Then everything goes dark.

"Hey! Cas!" He could feel someone shaking him but it's as if he just cannot pull himself from the dream. "Cas! Hey, man wake up!"

He finally wakes up and starts having a panic attack. One that was worse than any of the other ones he ever had. Dean realized this and sat down next to Cas on the bed.

"Cas, it's going to be okay." Dean said as he pulled Cas up so he was in a sitting position. "Just breathe. He's not here. He cannot hurt you. Listen to my voice, Cas. Focus on my voice and slow your breathing" Dean starts to inhale through his nose and breaths out his mouth. Cas finally starts to slow his breathing but starts to speed up as he starts crying.

"I can't do this, Dean!" he gasps out between short breaths.

"Shh. Yes you can Cas. Just focus on my voice and breathe slowly." he repeats his previous instructions.

Cas won't calm down so he thinks of another possible way.

He starts singing quietly so only Cas can hear him.

When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom let it be.
Let it be, let it be, let it be. let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

Finally Cas calmed down but neither of them realized that as Dean was singing, Dean laid next to him and had his arm around around him and Cas had his head laying on Dean's chest. They sat just there in comfortable silence for what seemed like forever. But Dean was the first to break the silence.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I think so. I'm really sorry." Cas muttered.

"Why are you sorry?" Dean asked, confused.

"You didn't need to see me like that. I can't believe that happened."

"Nothing is wrong with what just happened. Something horrible happened to you and it is inevitable that something like this would happen."

Cas looks up at Dean and smiles slightly. "Thank you."

"No problem. You should get some sleep."

Dean starts to get up but is stopped when a hand grabs his wrist.

"Can you stay here?" Cas asks sheepishly.

A small smile finds its way onto Dean's face as he lays back down. "Of course I will. And I'll be here when you wake up."

"Goodnight Dean."

"Goodnight Cas."

~{Author's Notes}~

Okay so I guess I'll just update whenever I complete a chapter. I may post 2 in one day and sometimes I'll only post 1 a week. But I'll make sure I don't go past a week.
But anyways, tell me what you think about this chapter. I actually kind of liked writing it ^-^
The song is call Let It Be by The Beatles obviously cx but thought I should just clarify just in case :)

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