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The next day Taehyung had his guard up in case I run into Jaehyun again. I was very greatful to have such a protective boyfriend.

Boyfriend, that's sounds so good.

He would walk me to our first class while hugging me from the back keeping me secured. It honestly made me the most shy person and I hated showing my submissive side, but I wasn't gonna complain.

History class with by nicely. I got a 96 on my quiz while Taehyung bragged about his 100 in my face.

After class he tried to walk me to second period but luckily Namjoon hyung was there to do it for Taehyung so he wouldn't be late since his class is upstairs.

On the way we made small conversation. Namjoon hyung asking me if I was ok after what happened yesterday. I told him I was fine and hopefully I don't have to run into him again.

In art class we had to try and draw each other. Mines came out decent but when the taller showed me his I almost cried at how crazy I looked. For the rest of the time I drew a flower reminding me of Taehyung before putting it in my bag to show the elder later as the bell rang.

Surprisingly Hoseok was waiting for me outside the classroom. I wasn't expecting this.

"So I guess I'm the baby bunny everyone has to look after now?" I said playfully.

"Well you are the youngest." He replied as we started walking to our class.

"True, but I can handle myself-"

"Jungkook you pee your pants when walking near a microwave be quiet." The other cut me off.

"Hey don't expose me like that people are listening." I put my finger on my mouth shushing him.

We made it inside before the bell and the teacher took attendance then we were allowed to go to lunch.

Todays servings were fish cakes and rice, or pork belly and seaweed soup with rice. I love meat so I'm going with pork belly.

Jimin hyung and Taehyung greet us when we take our seats. I grabbed Taehyung's hand and placed a kiss on it. "How were you're classes?"

"They were nice, my photography teacher wants me to take pictures of things I take interest in." He tells me.

"Well I guess your gonna have a lot of photos of me in your phone then." I laughed watching him blush lightly.

"You guys are so cute, Seokie I want that." Jimin hyung said gaining the other's attention.

"H..huh?" He was startled by the shorters sudden comment.

"Nevermind." The younger sounded so disappointed it even made me feel bad for him.

I made a mental note to literally slap Hoseok hyung later for not catching the hint. The midget totally liked him and he was too dense to see it.

Lunch was over and we were now sitting in English class working on an assignment. I looked between Hoseok hyung and the teacher before quickly hitting him on the back of his neck so the teacher wouldn't see.

"OW!" I yelped out in pained and the teacher gave him a 'Be quiet look.' "What was that for!" He whisper yelled.

"For being dense." I said pretending to write in my notebook.

"Dense? What do you mean?" He asked completely confused.

I let out a sigh before speaking again. "Jimin hyung obviously l-"

"Attention students I have an announcement to make. I know it's Wednesday but we're having a new student." The teacher said making everyone in class wonder who it could be. She went to the door and opened it before they could walk in she introduced them. "Welcome your new classmate, Jeong Jaehyun!"

When A Kookie 🍪Meets His Tae☕️Where stories live. Discover now