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"I went out with Jin."


"Yes..you can stop yelling now class is about to start."

"I don't care, tell me all details."

"Its not all th-"

"Bruh, you've been slobbering over this man and you went out with him yesterday so it was all that!"

"Fine I'll tell you, but don't get to excited people are trying to work."

"I guess."

I put my belongings under my chair and rested my elbow on the desk with my left hand cupped in my face. Giving Namjoon all my attention so he can tell me the story of all that happened after school yesterday.

"So..I was shopping for bread because I was out and wanted a sandwich." He started.

"Once I got the bread I started heading towards the cashier, but you know how clumsy I am so I slipped and bumped into someone."

"That someone being Jin right?" I asked between the story.

"Thats not even a question cause you know already, but yeah and when I looked up at him I nearly peed myself." He confessed.

"Lmao Joon, keep going tho." I told him not really paying attention to him pointing out that he bout peed himself.

"Anyway he asked if I was okay, I replied with a yes and he helped me up. The bread the quashed and I literally panicking because that was the last one."

"So..what happened?"

"He said he felt bad and apologized when it wasn't even his fault, Jungkook I wanted to slap myself so hard, but anyway I told him that it was all me and my clumsy ass. After that he asked if there was any more bread and I shook my head."

"Your explanation is to slow, just get to the point." I rushed him.

"Your the one who wanted all details be quiet." He spat the truth which made me pout.

"He licked his lips and I swear that was the most hottest thing I've seen, and then he asked me if I had anywhere to be. I told him no and I nodded. Not gonna lie I got scared for a moment thinking if he would kidnap me or not, not that I wouldn't like it." He said pointing his index fingers together like a child.

"Umm okay." I awkwardly mumbled.

"He offered me a meal since he was still feeling guilty for smashing the bread. I asked him what place will we be going and he told me wherever I wanted which I wasn't expecting."

"Where'd you guys go?" I curiously asked.

"I told him I didn't have anything in mind, then he said well there's gotta be something I'm hungry for. I replied telling him I was gonna eat an sandwich which is why I came to the store in the first place."

"He told me there was a small café buy his house that sells sandwiches for if I wanted to we could go."

"Did you say no?"

"Of course not, I told him if it didn't bother him because I didn't want to be a burden to the older. Gladly I wasn't and before we left I told one of the staff about the bread and apologized, they told me there was like a whole wall of bread the the back room so everything was okay."

"I wonder what would have happened if there was more then?" I thought.

"Who knows, but we went to the café we eat and drank, then he suddenly started asking me questions like 'What's your hobbies and favorite color.'

"Thats good, that means he's into you." I clapped for him.

"I guess...." He said barely believing me.

"What do you mean you guess?" I sat up in the seat frowning my eyebrows.

"I mean he may seem nice and handsome, but what if he's...you know one of those players that-"

"Ok were not even gonna go do that road because Jin Hyung is not like that." I interrupted Namjoon because he was gonna end up believing something he doesn't even know.

"How do you know?" He asked looking up at me.

"Because I only met him yesterday and we talked, he also drove me to Taehyung's house." I answered.

"That still doesn't mean anything." The older thought.

"I don't see anything that states 'player' in him, he's completely just a normal handsome nice guy." I said what I thought about Jin Hyung.

"Y..you think so? Namjoon hesitantly said.

"I know so." Looking into the elders eyes.

He looked away for a sec and then sighed. "Alright I believe you, but how are you sure he's not like that." The white haired male asked yet again.

"Well, lets just say I encountered one before." I smiled as just the bell rang signaling everyone to leave for next class.

I got me my things and placed them in my book bag. I couldn't help but notice the look on Namjoon's face, rather he was shooked or worried. Whatever it was I didn't have time to answer any questions.

"Kook I'm so-"

"Nope, don't even." I stopped him from going any further because, what's the point.

"But I-"

"I'm fine." I said a little to sternly.

I glanced up at the elder, feeling guilty for talking to him like that. I just didn't want to talk on topic.

"Um..sorry I just didn't want to talk about it." I apologized scratching the bad of my head.

"No, your fine I should mean my business." The taller male got his things and place then in his bag before swinging it around his right arm.

"See you later then." I waved and he mirrored it back. I feel terrible that we had to part ways like that. Me and my stupid fear or whatever I don't even know what to call it keeps stopping me from wanting to talk or bring up past shit like come up Jeon your stronger than this...

I brushed of any negative thoughts and quickly changed my mood because I was going to 3rd period and lunch which I had Hoseok with, and he can read me like an ABC book and I don't wanna answer to him either.

Jimin and Taehyung will be there too so I definitely have to put on my best smile, especially for Tae I don't want to worry him right after I told him there's nothing he needs to worry about considering me.

So I put on my signature bunny smile and make way to the crowd.


Happy birthday Koo🥳I loves u so muchu and congrats on winning #1 on billboard💜

When A Kookie 🍪Meets His Tae☕️Where stories live. Discover now