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How that hell am I supposed to see Taehyung if I don't know where he lives.

"You don't know where he lives do you?" I heard Jin say from behind me.

"Sadly, no." I told him frowning

"Do you have a friend that knows?" The handsome figure asked me.

"Yeah let me text him real quick." I answered and pulled out my phone.

JayKayyy~: Hey can you ask Jimin for Tae's address

Hoe🐝: lmao how were you gonna go to his house without his address. What if I wasn't with Jimin then you would have been lost😂

JayKayyy~: stfu with your contagious laugh and ask him already

Hoe🐝: okokok calm down Im asking, can't wait to see your babe huh😏

JayKayyy~: Hoseok istg I will murder all your sprite, I know where you keep them😌


It was about 5 minutes before he texted back. Jin and I walked to his car as we waited, his car was really nice. Not like how Jimin's is...geez. Jin had a pink convertible with the logo "WORLDWIDEHANDSOME" on the back and his wheels had some glitter on them too. I got to admit I wouldn't think this was his type but Im not judging.

We got in the car and he turned it on adjusting the air and his outside window.

My phone beeped and it was from Hoseok, I checked the message and when I look at the address I went blank for a second. The street named he lived on looked familiar. I shook it off and told Jin where to go, then we pulled out of the school parking lot and onto the highway.

We drove passed the Snack Shack and it looked beaten up, there were those yellow banners with the word "Caution" on it and some police man were over there too. I feel real bad for Taehyung and his cousin.
The ride was silent for awhile until Jin broke it.

"So what do you do in your spare time?" He asked taking glances at me still driving.

"I like to work out, or do boxing." I told him looking at the window.

"Sounds just like you." He replied.
"I watch KDrama's because I want to be an actor when I graduate from college and also open my own restaurant in the future once I find a special partner for me."

"Wow, thats sounds really nice. Im rooting for you." I did a mini clap.

"Thank you, hopefully in the future you can find a special partner and be happy." He chuckled a little.

"Umm...y..yeah." I replied putting on a fake smile.

I don't even know if I'll end up with someone, Im still cautious about relationships.

The car with back to being silent and we turned into the street that Taehyung lives on. The neighborhood looked a bit broke down and old, huh familiar. I looked around a bit more and when Jin stoped at the stop sign there was this house on my side of the car. It was pure black and the glass in the windows were gone. The front yard looked dug up and the mailbox was broke. Why did the house look so damn familiar.

And that's when it hit me, hard on the head.

It was my ex's house, no wonder it looked all beat up and old. Right after what happened when we broke up he trashed it and I never heard from him since.

Even though he's not here I still feel uneasy, especially since Taehyung lives in this neighborhood. It also looks dead enough for those bullies to come here and do some stupid shit too.

We finally reached Tae's house and I was a little scared to step out knowing Im back in this haunted neighborhood, why does someone else special as Taehyung live here anyway. He totally deserves better.

"This neighborhood is so dead how can people live here, you sure this is where your friend stays?" Jin asked with his eyebrows knitted together.

Jin does have a point, how can Taehyung live here. Hoseok better not have sent me the wrong address or he can kiss his sprites good bye.

With a long sigh I finally get out the car and walked up to the door. I looked back at Jin and he signaled me to knock. I turned back towards the door and hesitated to knock, when I did there was a nothing but silence. After a while I knocked again and I looked back at Jin. He told me to just come back to the car and not to worry about it.

I sighed and started to walk back with a frown on my face. I guess I won't be seeing Taehyung today.

Before I get off the porch there was a noise. I turned around and my heart started beating.

It was sleepy Taehyung.


Ok but who can resist a sleepy Taehyung like sndjdbskrksd🤧

Anyways how's the story going so far?

Whats your favorite part and favorite character so far?

Hope u enjoyed and see ya later💜

When A Kookie 🍪Meets His Tae☕️Where stories live. Discover now