Welcome to Nowhere

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  Izuku was a young boy.  One with possibly the greatest mind of his time.  The one problem was the way people saw him, just cause of his quirk.  He had the ability to see and open invisible portals that were hidden around the world.  These things lead to a place called the Void.  It was a blank white space with absolutely nothing in it.  The place was Izuku's safe haven from the amount of discrimination he was treated through his life.  People thought that sense the portals had to be already existing ones and not created, he could never be a hero.  It hurt him how even the boy he considered to be his best friend, betray him and abuse him every day at school.  But even after that, he still let it happen.  He didn't care, for he would still follow his dream.

  Later on, when he was around 8 he had created a powerful machine.  He did this obviously in the void sense he spends most of his time there.  What he had created showed he was smarter than all the other beings on the planet, for he made a spherical object that can give quirks.  What the machine does is it scans the holders brain waves to see what they are imagining, then creates a genetic structure for that thing.  With it, then a syringe comes out that once put in a person edits their genetic structure to create the quirk based on the thing.  For example, think of fire and it creates a genetic code for a fire quirk.

  He was so proud of his invention, and wanted to show everyone.  But he realized if he did, all of them would probably not believe him and maybe even break his creation.  He couldn't have that, so he left it in the void.  

  One day when he left the void, now at the age of 9.  The portal he opened was in an alley way.  He can never see the other side of the portals so sometimes he makes a mistake on where to go.  Of course looking around, he noticed not much was going on.  He heard the sound of some trouble, like heroes fighting.  As he was about to check it out, he then remembered that he told his mom he'd get the groceries.  Quickly he went to the store, bought everything he needed, then went home.  

  "Mom, I'm home!" Izuku called as he came into the house. 

  But it fell upon empty ears as no one was there.  He assumed that she was probably working overtime again so didn't think much of it.  He went into the void to play around a bit more with his creation.  Izuku had been experimenting with his toy, and had realized he can create his own life with it.  Sadly, it apparently can't be that intelligent, but it works.  The creatures appeared to be these giant humanoids, with buggy-like eyes and their brains exposed.  He hadn't thought of a name for them yet, but he did make a lot of them.  His prized possessions were the one with the bird-like head that has shock Absorption and Super Regeneration, his other one had a crocodile-like head with Flame Breath and Miasma skin.  All his creations though had multiple strength quirks to make them formidable in the physical department. 

  After playing with his creations and testing the machine more, he decided to go back home.  Once there, he noticed his mother was still not back yet so he went and turned on the news.

  "Earlier today a fight broke out as a villain was holding a young boy hostage.  The criminal was using the boy to create fires causing chaos and anarchy.  As the heroes tried to put out the fire and rescue anyone in the surrounding buildings, All Might had arrived to save the day.  Sadly the villain had killed a nearby woman before the number 1 hero could capture them.  The woman's name was Inko Midoriya.  We mourn the loss of her and everyone else that dies in these attacks."  The news spokesmen said as it played a video of the attack.

  "What?"  Izuku whispered quietly as tears rolled down his eyes.

  Izuku quickly downloaded the clip and replayed it in slow motion, and thats when he saw it. The villain hadn't killed his mother, its cause that bastard hero didn't hold back as much.  The fucking wind pressure from the blow broke her neck, for she was on the street over behind the attack passing by.  The piece of shit hero killed his mother.  And that was when he snapped.  He lost all hope in heroes.  In fact, he lost all hope in humanity.  They treated him like dirt, and then have the gall to take away his one bright light.  He will make them all pay, he will make them all suffer.  And so he went back into the void.  No, not the void, Nowhere.  He decided to now call it Nowhere, sense that's where he felt he belonged.  In this place he didn't require things such as sleep, and food.  He worked day and night creating an army of his monsters.  Making all as ferocious as the others.  If he couldn't have a happy ending, then no one should.

    He opened portals to get supplies and made armor for all his creatures.  He trained his mindless brutes to use weapons, and put a quirk in all of them that made it so his mind controlled all of them.  Sadly what Izuku didn't realize, was that the machine had side effects to the holder if used too many times.  His body started to change, half of his body was now covered in a gooey, black substance, and there were 2 long, golden antlers coming out of his head.  His face was covered, and all that could be seen was his glowing green eyes. He commanded his creatures to leave as he started to make more.  

  After the first batch left, he realized he needed more resources.  But as he tried to open a portal, nothing appeared.

  "What?"  Izuku questioned, his voice now deep, and distorted. "Why can't I see the doorways anymore, nor can I seem to open them.  Wait, I never knew what my drawback was.  Based on how it's acted before then it must mean.....  OH, that's rich, this shitty quirk is used by my mind which means that if the mind has reached the limit of what it considers to be sanity it has a failsafe!  This fucking quirk thinks I'm insane!  I'll show it insane! (ha ha ha). No matter, I'll just have the first batch hide their gear and go into hibernation.  And if some bloke comes across them, if I think the person is useful, will let them think they are in control of my pets.  And I'll just make more and wait, for my time will come eventually."

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