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" hi you're the new intern at this company right?" The manager walked up to lei xung and asked. " oh yes is there something I can do for you do you need coffee or some thing else?"

"Oh no no I'm a manager at this company I work for Ms jang she wants to have a chat with you in her office I'm here to escort you."

Lei xung looked at her confused, " oh alright let's go then." The manager walked her to her bosses office.
"This is as far as I can take you, she'll be waiting for you inside."

"Thank you." Lei xung replied.

Lei xung entered her office and looked around, there were cut out boards of characters  from old roleplay games made in the past by the company.

"Hi welcome I heard you just got here today I'm Stella jang one of the gaming developers."

" yes I know who you are I have played some of the games you developed in the past."

" oh yes I've read your résumé you used to play a lot back in high school so I can see your passion for our games which is why I want to talk to you about an offer." Ms jang told lei xung.

"An offer?" She asked.

" yes about working here at the company full-time but before that, I need your permission to use your visuals for our game I already started designing the main character which looks very much like you, I know I should've asked first before starting to develop the main character with your visuals but I got too excited." Stella said smiling.

" wow I don't know what to say but I'm grateful and it's a huge compliment that you would use my visuals for the main character of your new game but are you sure that I should be the visuals for the main character?"

" yes you're stunning and it would be perfect, The offer I wanted to make you, is that you would play a few test runs using the main character I've developed for the new game and then write me detailed reports about your test runs that you've played so I can make sure this new game is perfect for players to play, after you're done and I'm satisfied with what you've given me, you will be able to work here full-time and help me and my team complete the storyline for the new role-play game."

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