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"It's li luo, she's saying she doesn't remember anything..I'm worried about her I just don't understand.." fei shuang said crying.

Lei xung felt bad but she wasn't li luo she had just been magically teleported into her body, even though they both looked alike she wasn't her at all so of course she didn't have her memories, but she had a plan to act as if she lost all her memories to start anew.

"Quick bring physician Ji over." Madam pao said.

Not too along after physician Ji checked li Lou's pulse and looks at madam pao confused.

"What is it?" Madam pao asked.

"It's just very strange, she has indeed lost her memories but she doesn't seem wounded or injured from it at all normally if a person loses their memory  they would be a bit ill from the memory loss, but her pulse seems to be just fine and she seems to be healthy.."  the physician said bowing.

"Thank you, you may leave." Madam pao told the physician who bowed once more and had left the room, "we should tell his majesty." Fei shuang said.

"We shouldn't bother his majesty with this.." madam pao told fei Shuang.

"Pause." The AI says coming back on, "you now have a decision to make please choose wisely as it will affect you in the future game, will you choose to tell his majesty about this? Or will you choose to keep it a secret."

she sighs, "if I keep it a secret then I will be clueless about what's going on around the palace, on the other hand if I tell his majesty he will find it strange and investigate me..and probably be suspicious of me .."

"Quickly make a decision or I will make one for you!" The AI then says.

"And one more thing if you encounter any danger in this game and suddenly die your soul and body in the real world will also disappear, so tread carefully."

She widened her eyes, "YOU DECIDED TO TELL ME THAT NOW?!"

Then the game would continue to resume.

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