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She started spending time with the king more often, but people started to notice them.

"Isn't the princess being around the king way too often? Yes he gave her a title but now it's like she expects more from him or something."

"She is leeching off of the king too greedy."

"What is her motive? Her father is already a liar? Do you think she is pretending to not have any memory so the king could take pity on her?"

"How dare you talk about the princess like that? Stop gossiping and do your job!" Madam pao told the royal officers.

They sigh and got back to their posts, the king heard about this and was furious.

"My king you shouldn't pay any mind to them, their just feeling suspicious." Lei xung (li luo) told him.

"There's something I have to tell you though.." he said looking at her in a serious way.

She look at him as he slowly got closer and closer until she backs up into the wall. Her face began to get very red, "what are you doing your majesty?"

He slowly kissed her and pinned her hands to the wall, "i know why you've been spending so much time with me lately." He whispered in her ear.

She blushes and got away from him slowly. "Oh yeah why is that...?"

He grabbed her arm, "don't go I know your feelings for me...and to be honest..spending time with you lately I can't get you off my mind."

She gulped as her heart was palpating. She knew she wasn't suppose to fall, but how could she not when he was like this?

"I love you." He told her, the first task was then finally completed but even she was shocked, "I love you too.." she told him and he held her super close never letting go.

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