Chiaki & Moune | 🌠 |

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After the battle, the gang decided to head back to open a party. Moune and Chiaki were responsible for the table set up.

"Why must we be responsible for this?" Chiaki complained, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Because apparently, we're considered the "strong" one." Moune sighed as well. Just then a mischievous grin cross Chiaki's face. 

"Hey do you want to do something fun?" he asked. Moune looked at Chiaki in confusion. 

"What are you planning, Mister?" She asked in a serious tone, although she was curious to listen to it. 

Chiaki glanced around them and saw that there was no one. 

"We could go and hide somewhere for the time being. I know Jii would probably going to ask the kuroko to help if he didn't me doing it" he stated. 

Moune eyed him in disbelief. "Yeah sure and we would probably get yelled in the end or they might not leave any food for us." 

"Haiss....the food is already set up over there," Chiaki pointed to the table. Moune gazed in his directions. 

"Let's take some of this and go here.  I know a place." Chiaki stated. Moune hesitated. 

"I still think we should..." Moune said.

"Are you coming or not?" Chiaki asked her. 

She glanced at him one more time and when she let a out a small smile, Chiaki grinned back. 

"Let's go then." 


"We're here." Chiaki announced as they arrived near a cliff. 

"Sugoi!" Moune stated, amazed at the view. She could see almost the whole city and the sky was clear with dazzling stars. 

"Like it?" he asked. Moune nodded, "where do you find such a place?" 

"Well...I used to sneak out to train at night and came across this place." Chiaki explained. 

"You sneak out here to train? Don't you guys have a big dojo?" Moune asked 

"Well....sometimes it feels to restraint due to the hours. Besides I don't want to disrupt the other sleep." Chiaki explained. Moune nodded.

"Never knew you are quite considerate too." she teased. 

"Yah. Of course, I am," he stated back. 

The two let the silence embrace them as they both gazed at the stars.

"But I can understand why you chose here at the training place." Moune broke the silence, "It feels peaceful when I'm up here."

Chiaki looks at her and smiled. Another silence was in the air until it was interrupted by their growling stomach. 

Both blushes before their hand reached to grab a bite. 

"Toast to hiding away from work?" Chiaki mischievously suggested. Moune looked at him and grinned back. 

"Toast to hiding away from work." 

Hope you like it! 

I feel like Moune might be a bit OC in this chapter but it an AU so hehehe....

Til' next time, 


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