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Henry's pov
After going on several slides we all decided to take an break,Alissa and I bought food for the group.Bill and Alissa shared a cherry slushee while Ted and I shared a blue raspberry slushee,and Jessie got a cola slushee because she's Jessie."I think now is a good time to tell you guys something we've been hiding for a while."Ted said,"Ted's right."Bill agreed with Ted.Me,Alissa,and Jessie looked at us."what's going on?"i asked as Jessie drank her slushee,Bill and Ted grinned."the Wyld Stallyns are going on tour!"they both said,we all gasped.then we all cheered,"that's great!"Jessie said."we also wanted to ask you guys a question."Ted said,we all looked at them."do you guys want to go on tour with us?"Bill asked nervously,all three of our jaws dropped.

"You want us to go on tour with you guys?"Alissa asked,"Yeah!i mean,we'd be pretty lonely without you guys."Ted said."huh,he's got a point..."Jessie said as she scratched her head,Alissa and I looked at each other.we then looked at Jessie,she nodded."ok:we'll go on tour with you guys."i said,"Excellent!"Bill and Ted cheered.they quickly did air guitar,Bill attacked Alissa with kisses and Ted hugged me tightly."geez,third wheeling is going to be a lot harder now."Jessie said,oh yeah:Jessie still doesn't have a girlfriend or boyfriend.

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