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Jessie's pov
I was bored and had nothing to do.Alissa was with Bill and Henry was with Ted,so I had no one to call or no one to hang out with!as Bill and Ted would say,this is most non-triumphant.i exhaled,closing my eyes.suddenly:the phone rang,causing me to jump off my bed and fall flat on my back on the floor."ow."I mumbled as I stood up,I wasn't expecting any calls today.i picked up the phone and put it on my ear,"Hello?"I answered."Hey Jessie!it's me,Caleb."I heard Caleb's voice,I widened my eyes."holy shit!"I thought,I cleared my throat."how are you Caleb?"I asked him nervously,I was totally freaking out.

Every time I write the word shit autocorrect changes it to shut

And every time I write fuck autocorrect changes it to duck

Anyways back to the story

"I'm doing pretty good,thanks for asking."he replied,I smiled."so Jessie,I wanted to ask you something."he said,i gulped."it's nothing bad."he immediately reassured me,I sighed with relief."ok good."i said,he chuckled."anyways:say I was going to visit you,how exactly would I find you?"he asked,"well I'd have to give you my address-"I immediately stopped talking.then I grinned,"Caleb,are you going to visit me?"I asked him.he laughed,"shucks,you caught me."he said.i laughed,"you could've just asked for my address you know."i said."Yeah I could have done that:but then again it wouldn't be much of a surprise if I did."he pointed out,"you do make a good point..."I trailed off."ok,I'm gonna give you my address:you have pen and paper?"I asked him,"Yep."he replied.

"Ok here's my address:[insert a random address here]."I gave him my address,"[insert a random address here],got it!"he said happily.i giggled,"I can't wait to see you Jessie,and I can't wait to see you're friends too:they're really cool."he said."I can't wait to see you too,and I'm sure my friends will be thrilled to see you too."i said,"I gotta go start packing:I'll see you soon."he said."bye."i said,"bye."he then ended the call.i put the phone down and immediately ran to the guest room for Caleb,I mean I don't want him to stay in a motel.

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