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Alissa's pov
"This is Heinous dudette."Bill said,we were in the detention room after school.Henry and Jessie as well as Ted tried to get us out of detention but they couldn't,"you said it,I mean I'm in a room with my-"I immediately covered my mouth with my hands."What?"he asked,I shook my head."Oh come on,you can tell me anything dudette!after all,we're gonna be in here for a while."he said,I uncovered my mouth and sighed."Bill,I don't know if this seems obvious but..."I trailed off,"I like you Bill,i like you a lot."I confessed.he actually blushed,"you like me too?"he asked."Wait you like me too?"I asked,"I've actually liked you for a long time."he admitted.i blushed,"huh...well this is not what I expected."i said.

"What do we do now?"he asked,"to be honest:I'm not sure."I admitted."Oh,I have a suggestion!"he said,"what is it?"I asked."let's go on a date tomorrow,I'll take you to favorite spot in the whole wide world."he suggested,"huh,that sounds pretty fun!"i said."So it's a date?"he asked curiously,"my god is he cute."I thought.i giggled,"it's a date."i said.he smiled,"Excellent!"he cheered.he gently hugged me,he the quickly did air guitar before sitting back down.

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