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The cafe was filled with the sounds of people talking loud and chairs moving around.Harry has been working quite hard these past few days.

When school was over, many students came here for a milkshake, a brownie or just to sit around and talk.

The tall boy tried to stay calm as a customer told him her order.

"What would you like to have miss?" He asked with a smile which ended up making her give him a warm smile in return.

"I would like to have a coffee latte with a blueberry muffin." She said kindly.

"Okay, that would be £5" Harry said and the woman paid.


After taking the woman's order, Harry's eyes met with a guy who seemed to be around his age, but shorter than Harry. His face was innocent and he had the hottest cheekbones ever with light blue eyes. But his eyes looked lost, like he didn't know where to go.

Harry was looking forward to getting to know this guy, to befriend him, and maybe even more..

The taller guy decided to wave at him, making him approach Harry.

"Do you need any help?" Harry asked with a calm and soothing voice, making sure not to scare the shorter.

"Uum.. yes.." The guy answered with a high pitched and a cute voice. His voice was attractive, which made Harry's eyes widen in shock.

Harry zoned out for a moment but soon got disturbed by the guy in front of him.

"Um excuse me." As the guy said, Harry came back to reality.

"Oh yeah, s-sorry" He muttered while scratching his neck, his cheeks turned red due to embarrassment.

"Can I get Iced Americano with a chocolate brownie?" The guy with cheekbones asked. Harry just nodded and started to struggle with his coffee machine.

"Excuse me, um.. How much was it?" He asked and Harry just gave him a warm smile and answered,

"You'll get it for free"


Hi all! To everyone who are reading my stories for the first time and to them who have already read some of my story, I am so excited for this short cafe au because why not! afterall harry used to work in a cafe, and I hope you'd all like this story!

Don't  for get to vote and comment about how this chapter was!

have a nice day :)

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