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[Louis's pov]

"Because you're pretty."

The only thing that kept on repeating in my mind were these words. My cheeks turned into a soft shade of red. Harry just chuckled at me.

But then, his smile faded and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Who was that girl?" He asked with a curious voice while I looked down.

"Well.. it was just my sister who got mad at me... hehe" I said with a shy voice and lightly kicked on the small rock which was lying under the bench.

Harry looked at me with more curiosity.

"WHAT did you do to get her THAT mad?" I sighed.

"I may or may not have stolen her last chocolate bar.."

I looked down again and started to blush and Harry just gave me a warm and sweet smile.

"What do you want to do?" He asked suddenly.

I looked up at him with a confused look.


He chuckled.

"I mean do you want to hang out somewhere?" He asked. I thought about it a little and then answered.

"Hmm... okay, what about crashing at your place?"

"Sure! Les go!!" Harry said with excitement.

(3rd person's POV)

Both of them entered Harry's apartment and Harry instantly jumped and laid on his couch. Louis looked at him with a soft smile, the corner of his eyes wrinkling.

It was the smile that could light up anyone's day.

"What do you want to do?" The laying boy questioned.

"Maybe watch a movie?" Louis answered in a questioning way.

Harry nodded with a smile and went into the kitchen to grab some snacks. Meanwhile Louis turned the TV on and found netflix. He logged into the file that had a cat's profile and said Hazzy. He quietly giggled at the name.

When Harry came back he was met with Louis, looking like a tiny kitten in the huge blue and green blanket his body was wrapped in.

He looked adorable in Harry's eyes. He wanted to cuddle him, hug him, kiss him but they didn't even know each other. They just met three days ago. Just three. But what if Harry didn't care about that? He was whipped and that's all!

The taller boy put the snacks on the table in front of them and sat next to Louis.

"Hmm What do you want to watch?" The muscular guy asked. Louis was fiddling with his sweater paws and looked up when he heard Harry's voice.

Harry nearly died when Louis looked up. His light brown hair were messed and his cheeks were all red.

"Umm... I don't know.." The boy answered quietly.

"We can watch a horror movie!" Harry suddenly shouted and Louis jumped a little.

"But I always get scared!" He yelled back while harry just gave him a smirk.

"Not my problem!" Harry said as he started the movie, leaving louis with a pout on his pink lips.

(During the movie)

Louis was very clingy towards Harry through the movie which the elder found extremely adorable. The younger tucked on Harry's hoodie and hid his face in his chest. No doubt Harry was enjoying this.

A scene with a jump scare came and Louis jumped on harry, hugging him tightly.

"Hey, It's just a movie" Harry said to Louis to calm him down.

"Well, for you it is" Louis answered with an annoying and scared voice.

Harry couldn't take his eyes off of Louis. He looked like an angel which needed to be protected.

"Hey, you're staring again, is there something on my face?" Louis asked and started wiping his face as if there was some dirt on his face. But harry hold his wrist and said,

"Do you mind staying over tonight?"


I need some song suggestions please!

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