Chapter 4

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Tw for mentioned abuse

Keefe was skipping down the hall, trailed by Tam as usual, when one of the gardeners, Jensi, came scrambling past. "Your father wants you, Prince Keefe, and he looks angry!" Jensi exclaimed, then dashed off back to the gardens. Keefe and Tam exchanged a look of confusion mixed with fear before running to the throne room. "Pack your things" Cassius told him coldly as he entered, not even looking at him, but glaring at Tam. "What?! Father, what-" Keefe started. "Pack. Your. Things. Your mother wrote all about hearing you and that guard in her book, I don't even want to look at you" the king spat in disgust. "I- okay... Fine. Fine, I'll pack my things" Keefe walked away, grabbing Tam's arm. "Hold on love, I'll be right there", Tam whispered to Keefe, waiting for him to walk off before yelling at Cassius, "how dare you?! You think it's appropriate in ANY way to kick your son out for who he loves?!". "I'd hold my tongue if I were you, Song. You're lucky I don't behead you and make my son marry the girl anyway. And you're very lucky I don't call for your parents." Cassius gave him a sick grin. "Go ahead. Tell Quan and Mai Song where I am. I'll run again, I'll take my sister, and I'll run again. I've done it once, I can do it a second time," Tam got in the king's face, "you're the lucky one. Lucky I don't use this sword and make myself a criminal." Tam walked away without another word, smashing a vase as he left the room.

Tam ran through the halls to where Fitz and Biana's rooms were, telling Dex and Sophie what happened because the Vacker siblings sleep heavily. He then made his way to Marella's bedchamber, shaking her awake to tell her to go see everyone else. Finally, Tam ran to Keefe's room, opening the door to see Keefe crying and packing his trunk. "Are you alright love?" Tam asked hesitantly, stepping towards Keefe. "I can't believe he finally found out... And he didn't even hit me" Keefe whispered. "...What?" Tam went still. "I always thought... If he could do that over my grades, I'd be dead if he found us out... But he only kicked me out" Keefe sniffled, turning around to hug Tam. "He hits you? I thought he only..." Tam inhaled sharply, hugging Keefe and burying his head into Keefe's shoulder. "I couldn't have you going to prison for murder, now could I?" Keefe hugged him back. "Speaking of, I'll be back-" Tam pulled away and unsheathed his sword. "No, you will not, put that back" Keefe smacked his wrist gently, causing Tam to glare. "I've already prepared for us- all of us- to go to the Vacker palace, you cannot commit a crime against the king" Keefe ruffled Tam's hair. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, we'll go to the Vacker palace without me commiting treason" Tam groaned. The two met everyone else, including Kesler, Elwin, and Quinlin, at the stables, where they prepared three carriages, and then, they set off to the Vacker palace.

As soon as the carriages arrived, in the dark of midnight, Della was rushing out of the doors to hug all of the kids, even Keefe, Linh, Tam, and Marella, though she'd never met them. "Ah- not that I mind, kind miss, but uhm- who are you?" Tam asked as Della wrapped him in a tight hug. "My apologies dear, my name is Della Vacker, Sophie sent a messenger bird ahead to alert me of your arrival and your... Circumstances. Don't worry, I ensured personally that no one intercepted the message" Della went on to hug Linh, who squished herself into the hug and grinned. Marella shockingly didn't seem to mind when she was hugged, even smiling a bit. "So- time to get you to bed dearies, you've traveled far too long. And Quinlin, Kesler, you have your rooms, and Elwin-" Della started, then shrugged, signing 'If you prefer to sleep in either of the men's rooms, you may, but I also have a room prepared for you', smiling warmly to him. Elwin contemplated this for a moment before moving to Keefe's side. 'Actually, if I can get a room near Keefe? I've known him for his entire life, and he's always been family to me, so this entire situation is very upsetting' he signed to Della, Quinlin looking proud. Della gave Elwin a nod, leading the group inside. "Keefe dear, first door on the right, Elwin, you may take either first door on the left or second on the right, whichever you prefer, Marella, second to the left, Tam and Linh, I was told you two share a room, so either second on the right, or first on the left?" Della showed them to a few rooms, letting the other make their ways to their own rooms. "Actually miss, I'd like to stay outside Keefe's room. I have my usual post right outside his door, and... Well, I'm quite paranoid about everything with his parents to be quite honest" Tam sighed, shoulders slumped and clearly stressed. "Ah- whatever you prefer luv, just make sure you rest up!" Della smiled cheerily at him and swiveled around to walk off.

The next morning, Tam woke Keefe, Linh, and Marella, then made his way to the table to eat breakfast, still wearing the pajamas Fitz lent him. Tam was tall and lean, so the pajamas were quite loose, but he and Fitz were around the same height, so the pant legs and sleeves were the right length. Keefe, however, had to roll his sleeves and pants quite a few times, as he was bigger than Dex, but smaller than Fitz. "Good morning" Keefe mumbled sleepily as he sat at the table next to Fitz, Dex, Sophie, and Biana, across from Della and Alden. Marella made her way next to the other teens, Tam and Linh standing next to the door and scanning the room. "You know, you can come sit dearies" Della smiled at Tam and Linh. Linh looked quite confused, and Tam was sure he looked suspicious, but both twins made their way to the table. "So, why did King Cassius kick you out?" Alden asked after they all finished their food. Tam glared at him, and Della elbowed him, glaring as well. "What my husband means to say is," Della rolled her eyes at the word husband, "if you don't mind us asking, what happened with your father, dear?". Alden rolled his eyes as well, obviously not liking being corrected. Keefe went quiet, so Tam held onto his hand under the table, catching Biana and Marella's smirk. "I... Would rather not say" Keefe finally answered quietly. "That's quite alright honey, whatever you're comfortable with, right Alden?" Della glared at her husband yet again, causing the Vacker children to nervously look at their parents. "Yeah, sure, I'm going to my study" Alden got up, shoving the table slightly. Tam's cup was still quite full, so it dumped all over him. "Ah- I'll help you get a change of clothes, would you like a guard uniform?" Fitz asked while Biana grabbed some towels to help Tam wipe himself off. "Yes, that'd be nice, thank you" Tam got up to follow Fitz, sneaking a glance to Keefe before he left.


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