❣️ ️part - 1 ❣️

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In garden....

Chandrika sat on a bench and was thinking something....

Arjun who was going to yudhistir room saw her and came near her....

Arjun " putri...what are you doing.... "

She didn't give any response

Arjun put his hand on her shoulder and again called her....

Chandrika " yes...yes... "

Arjun " what happened to you... "

Nakul " thinking about bhratha karn right... "

Chandrika looked down....

Nakul " No matter how much you think about your dad he will not come back chanda... "

Arjun " I know it's not an easy task....I know that it's impossible but you should.... "

Chandrika " I know....and I will try my level best.... "

Saying that she went into her room.....

Arjun " Can she able to swim this sea of ​​suffering...."

Nakul " Absolutely bhratha ...coz she is karn Nandini .... "

Arjun " yah....ok let's go bhratha yudhistir called us.... "

Both went into yudistir's room...

Yudistir saw them and said " What happened ..."

Arjun " about chandrika...."

Vrishali " don't worry about her....sooner or later...she surely forget about his father...or she will stop crying for her father..."

Arjun " bhabhi.... "

Vrishali " yes arjun...you don't worry...malini ( daasi ) will take care of her... "

Vrushali called malini..

Malini " yes didi... "

Vrishali treated malini as her own sister

Vrishali " chanda...... "

Malini " I will take care of her didi...you don't worry... saying that she went from there.... "

Yudhistir " arjun don't worry...she is brave And for sure she will be alright.... "

Vrishali went from there.....

Arjun " yes bhratha but she didn't mingle with us well that's why she is not us as pithashree... "

Yudhistir " you will soon listen that word from her arjun...don't worry... "

Nakul " bhratha why you called us.... "

Yudhistir " Nakul are you gaurding that forest.... "

Nakul " yes bhratha...I arranged all the security...no one will enter that forest...and that too it's ( forest ) in the outskirts of Hastinapur....no one will dare to go... "

Yudhistir " but don't be careless... "

Nakul " ok bhratha... "

Arjun " what happened bhratha...why are taking special care about that forest.. "

Yudhistir " Arjun....I got a dream after the war...that if any one goes in to that forest...some thing bad will happen to our whole family and to our kingdom... "

Arjun " but how bhratha... "

Yudhistir " I don't know Arjun....but I can say for sure that....the forest causes severe damage to us....ok leave it....go and complete your lunch "

Saying that yudhistir stoop up and went from there....

Arjun in his mind " what's there in that forest..."


Chanda's room...

Malini " chanda... please eat this dear... "

Chanda " no I don't want to eat anything go from here "

Prativindhya came there and took the plate from malini

Prativindhya " my dear chandrika please eat this food dear.... "

Chandrika " no I don't want to eat... "

Prativindhya " even if I fed you.... "

Chandrika looked at prativindhya

Chandrika nodded her head as no...

Prativindhya " then....eat it dear...do I want to feed you... "

Chandrika " no...I will eat...you go and eat frist.... "

Prativindhya " how you know that I didn't eat the food.... "

Chandrika " Kyunki mey khaaye bhina tum khaaoge nahi.... "


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