❣️ part - 2 ❣️

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Chandrika was in her room thinking about her father....

Vrishali who came to check chanda saw her situation

Vrishali came near to chanda and sat beside her...

Vrishali " again thinking about your father... "

Chandrika " he is the reason for my existence...without father I am nothing ma....nothing...without my father I am a flower without honey...without my father I am an river without movement....and without my father I am a body without soul.... "

Vrishali " chandrika...( She shouted )

Chandrika " no matter how many times you say I can't forget my father like you.... " she shouted

Vrishali slapped chanda....

Vrishali " what do you think about yourself....and who said that I forgot your father....he is my life...I thought to die..when your father died in front of me...you know..........if I am still alive its for you and vrishketu only....don't talk rubbish now...go and sleep.... "

She said and went from there angrily......

Chandrika started crying hardly.....

Chandrika " what I did father....why you left me....dont you know that this karn Nandini is incomplete without you father.... " She started crying hardly....

Malini came into that room....who was waiting for an opportunity

Malini " chanda....why are you crying dear... "

Chandrika " I want to meet my father...I can't live without him....I can't ....I don't want anyone...I want my pithashree only...."

Malini " it's not easy to meet your pithashree dear... "

Chandrika " that's means can I meet my pithashree... "

Malini " yah...you can meet your father...you can talk with your father...and if you want he will be with you for ever..."

Chandrika " how...how.... please say... "

Malini " there is a huge forest in the outskirts of-......"

Subhadra and Draupadi came there....

Subhadra " what are you both talking... "

Chandrika " nothing just chit chatting.... "

Draupadi " oo...but your mother came out of this room in anger so we  thought that you both quarreled... "

Chandrika " yah...but it's not big... "

Subhadra " chanda...big or small...but dont quarrel with your mother...she will feel bad...now go and sleep as a good girl.... "

Draupadi " and malini come... "

Malini with who was disappointed went from there....

Chandrika layed on the bed and closed her eyes...



Chandrika to arjun " pithashree.......save me............ "

Arjun " chanda.............."


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