❤️ part - 4 ❤️

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In Pandavas room....

Yudistir " i think she is feeling difficult to forget his father .. "

Nakul " yesh bhratha...she has a strong bond with bhratha Karn... "

Bheem " but we should do something or else....she will become weak mentally... "

Sahadev " yes...and we saw its result yesterday night only... "

Vrishali " but how... What to do... "

Krishna " pyaaar..... "

Yudistir " pranipat vasudev Krishna... "

Krishna " pranipat .... "

Vrishali " love...what to you mean vasudev... "

Prathivindhya " yah I too can't understand... "

Vrishketu " love...??? What do you want to say kakashree... "

Krishna " Love makes one to forget everything ... "

Bheem " we are not clever as you vasudev... please say clearly...... "

Krishna " you all should be with her...not leaving her for one second also...then she will automatically forget his father...and you all should show her love equal to his father... "

Yudistir " we will try our level best vasudev .. "

Krishna " ok then go...i want to talk with  parth...where is he... "

Subhadra " he is with Chanda ...bhratha... "

Krishna " ok..... "


Krishna came into Chanda's room...

Arjun " madhav... "

Krishna " how are you parth... "

Arjun " How can I not be  good after seeing you madhav... "

Krishna smiles and says " ok parth come with me... yudistir will take care of Chanda mean while... "

Yudistir came into chanda room...

After yudistir's arrival Krishna and arjun left....

In garden....

Arjun " what happened madhav... "

Krishna " nothing happened yet but will happen soon parth... And that too...to chanda... "

Arjun " what........... "

Krishna " don't let her to be alone...she will be manipulated.. "

Arjun " but by whom madhav.. and why ??? "

Krishna " any one parth and for anything... And another thing ..don't let her to enter the forest which is in the outskirts of hasthinapur... "

Krishna's words remind him about yudistir's dream...

Arjun " bhratha also said that he got a dream about that forest .. but what is the connection between Chanda and that forest... "

Krishna " there is a huge connection parth...which will be known to you soon...but be careful ..dont believe anyone...when it's about chanda.. "

Arjun " ok madhav... "

Krishna " ok then where is my sakhi...drau... "

Arjun " she is in kitchen...making food for chanda . "

Krishna " ok i will help her ....and will eat some makhan too.... "

Krishna left....

Arjun " after listening madha's words my eagerness increased...what is there in that forest...Need to find out quickly.... "

Saying that he walked towards Chanda's room....

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