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A Month Later

"But Tio" Ximena whined as her brother protectively closed his bedroom door.

All she wanted to do was cuddle but he said he had very important work to do.

"Can't we cuddle while you do your important work" she stood on her toes.

He sighed and scooped her up, rushing to one of the farthest bedrooms which was Alva's. Their grandparents had bought her house in Mexico and had just moved into it. Bridget and Adams as well as their children went back home. Their house wasn't too far from theirs, it was at maximum a fifteen minutes drive. Avarez actually went to their house earlier today to speak with Adan about school work. School hadn't started but it was about to.

Alva jumped as his door barged open. He scowled at his brother, about to yell at him when he noticed his sad little sister.

"Hi Xia" he grinned.

"Al" she squealed as she ran to him, almost knocking down his buckets of acrylic paint.

"Slow down buttercup" he cooed as she rushed into his lap.

"What you doing?" She asked as she stared at the paint covered canvas.

"It's a surprise," he whispered, making her frown.

"Everyone hiding things from me" she whined as she pointed to Amertio who rolled his eyes.

He kissed her cheeks and left.

"I'm painting us," he confessed.

"Us?" she repeated making him chuckle.

"Our family," he explained.

Alva was the art prodigy in the family. He could take literally anything and turn it into the most beautiful piece of art you have ever laid your eyes on.

"It is really beautiful," she grinned.

"I'm not done" he mumbled, his ears pink.

He had received so many compliments in his life concerning his art but compliments from his family made his ears red from pride every time.

"It's still beautiful" she mumbled as she slumped on his bed, staring at him as he painted gracefully.

She snuggled into his huge pillows and wrapped his blanket around her body, a small smile on her face.

She was still mad at Amertio though and planned on giving him the silent treatment.


"You're joking," Amertio scowled at his father.

"Lose the attitude" he rolled his eyes "You think I'm happy with all this too?"

"But what about mama? Can't she stay and watch Mena?" Avran whined as he played with a random pen.

Fernando had informed them that Ximena would be enrolled in Pre-school and of course everyone was against that.

"I have work too innamorato" Esmeralda frowned.

{Italian : Sweethearts }

"Can't you watch her at work" Alverio whined as he stared out the large window in his father's office.

"She's three, she needs to start her education sooner or later" Fernando rolled his eyes.

"But we won't be there," Avarez argued slowly.

"You think I'll leave her unprotected? I'll have guards ar-" Arrio cut him off.

"Do you think she'll be comfortable with strange men?" He spat.

"She won't even know they are there," he argued back.

"Oh she will and when she starts to get uncomfortable you won't even know" Amersio narrowed his eyes at his father.

"What do you suggest? That she goes to school with you?" Esmeralda mumbled loudly.

"Exactly" Alarico grinned "Don't we have a class for her or something?"

"Rico she's three" Fernando sighed "all eight of you should just shut up"

He adjusted a sleeping Ximena on his lap and glared at his overreacting sons. God, they were difficult.

"All nine of you are starting school next week. We'll take Ximena shopping tomorrow" he informed them "Only get school items"

He glared at his six year olds who looked away, clearly upset that he called them out like that.

"Don't listen to your father" Esmeralda chuckled "get whatever you want"

"Thanks mama" they rushed to her and pulled her into a hug making Fernando pout.

"Let go of my wife" he mumbled as he grabbed her waist.

Esmeralda chuckled and kissed his cheek


"No, this looks better" Amersio pointed to a white turtleneck with a pink plaid skirt that most likely got to her knees.

"No, this outfit is better. Your fashion sense is shit" Arrio rolled his eyes as he waved a white off shoulder top and brown pants with white polka dots on it.

"Says you" Amersio looked Arrio up and down.

Arrio wore a simple tee with a green jacket over it that was buttoned at the bottom. He wore brown pants and white sneakers.

"Just get both" Avarez mumbled as he placed a pastel brown bag with a stuffed toy keychain attached to it into their already full shopping cart.

They only glared at each other before placing it in the separate shopping cart that was filled with clothes for all of them.

"Have you seen Mena?" Ametio pushed a clothes rack, in search of something.

Or someone.

"You lost her?" Arrio yelled.

"No, she's in the store somewhere. She said she wanted to play hide and seek" he explained.

Avarez chuckled as he watched his little sister try to hide behind the mannequins.

"She'll turn up" he said coolly, making Amertio narrow his eyes at him.

He knew where she was. He smirked as he trained his eyes around the store. He smirked when he noticed blonde hair.

"Gotcha" he whispered to himself.


"You got everything right?" Esmeralda asked as she picked Ximena up.

The boys had their hands full with numerous shopping bags from expensive brands. They nodded as Fernando helped them load the boot (trunk).

"Are you sure she has enough clothing?" Alverio asked as he munched on a donut.

"Yes," Amersio nodded as he sat in the passenger seat.

"Everyone get in" Fernando commanded as he opened the door for his wife who helped their kids into the car.


"I need your help" he said quickly as soon as he noticed him.

"With what?" He asked, bored.

"We are going after them" he growled "We'll ruin them"

He smirked.

"I'm more than happy to help, you've surely got yourself an army" he smiled deviously as he pulled him into a hug.

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