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Alarico watched his sleeping sister in adoration. It had been a week since she had started school and both she and his parents were acting strange. She went back to flinching when someone would move to touch her hair, chest or arms and every time they got a little loud she would end up crying, trying to block out the loud sounds with her hands over her ears. Alarico couldn't hide the hurt when she flinched whiles he picked her up. She noticed it as well and held a guilty look but he quickly assured her that it was fine but try as he might he couldn't hide the hurt but he understood it wasn't her fault at all. He wanted to kick himself for not understanding what was going on between her and their parents.

His eyes headed as he noticed her tremble in her sleep. His hands immediately darted to her body and she screamed and kicked then she began pulling violently on her hair, so hard Alarico was shocked it wasn't ripped out yet. He tried to pin her hands on top of her head and she squealed. Her eyes tightened and she continued to scream. He had never seen her like this.

"Mena it's me, Rico" he tried calming her down but she ignored his comforting words.

He kept repeating his name over and over again, in hopes of shushing her but it sadly didn't work. This wasn't the first time she had a nightmare while he slept in the same as her but luckily he had always managed to get her back to sleep. She would wake up with no memory of it but one time he confronted her about it. He noticed how strange her nightmares were. It was always as if she was reenacting them. Sometimes she would try to choke herself and other times she would bang her head against the closest thing which was usually a pillow much to his relief. When he told her about her nightmares she begged him not to let anyone know and he foolishly complied with her wishes. He would surely mention it to his parents this time.

"Mama, Papa," he yelled, having no regard for the others who were fast asleep.

He continued to scream for his parents and soon much to his relief the door was pushed open.

"Alarico," Fernando hissed but his eyes widened when he noticed his thrashing daughter.

"Mena," Esmeralda cooed.

Alarico moved to the side, his hands still pinned her's above her head.

"Let her go," Esmeralda told him softly.

He hesitated but obeyed and as soon as he did she went back to pulling her hair. Fernando picked up and continued to trash in his arms but Esmeralda whispered sweet nothings as he ran his hand through her hair slowly. Soon her body went limp and her lips parted. Alarico sighed and his eyes darted to the doorway where his brothers stood, shocked and scared.

"W-We'll keep her for the rest of the night" Fernando trailed off as he cleared his throat.

"C-Can I-I come too?" He asked quietly.

"Me too" Alverio chipped in.

Before they knew it all four of their six-year-olds were cramped on their bed with their sister lying in between them protected.

The next day no one spoke about what about transpired in the night. Ximena seemed to have not remembered anything but she isolated herself more from her family.

"Baby" Esmeralda knocked on her door which was slightly ajar "Can I come in"

"Okay," she mumbled.

Esmeralda smiled and walked in. Ximena sat aimlessly on her messy bed staring straight at the baby pink walls.

"How are you?" She asked quietly and Ximena just nodded.

"Daddy and I want to talk to you" she spoke slowly.

"Why?" She finally glanced at her.

"We just want to talk" she almost brushed her hair with her hands but remembered her horrific reactions with any kind of contact to her hair.

"Okay," she said again and jumped off her bed, with Esmeralda right behind her.

"Boys you c-" Esmeralda groaned at her stubborn sons.

"We want to know as well" Avran spat harshly.

'Shit, he was angry' Esmeralda thought.

"We are trying to figure everything out" Fernando explained.

"Let us help you then" Avarez spoke calmly.

Esmeralda opened the door to her husband's office and Ximena gasped when she noticed all her brothers who let out toothy grins as soon as they saw her.

"You said you and papa" she paused "only"

"They're not supposed to be here" Esmeralda soothed her daughter before glaring at her sons.

"Do we make you uncomfortable?" Alva asked worriedly.

"Shit, we should leave" Amertio mumbled.

"N-No" she protested "Please don't"

She ran into his arms and he picked her up before placing kisses all over her face. Tears immediately began rolling down her face.

"I-I'm sorry" she tried to wipe her tears but they just continued rolling down her cheeks.

"It's okay to be sad. It's okay to cry" Fernando comforted her.

"Mi Mundo I'm here with you, always remember that" Esmeralda assured her and she nodded.

"Yeah, we'll help you work it out" Avarez cooed at her.

"If you need space just say the words" Amertio smiled.

"We'll however be so close. Just reach out to any one of us when you are ready and we'll be there" Amersio beamed.

"We'll always listen to you, no matter what" Arrio insisted.

"You are safe" Avran expressed.

"I'm so sorry. This must be so hard for you" Alva whispered.

"Tell us about your pain" Alverio's voice sounded strained.

"I know this is scary but we're right here" Alarico paused.

"Forever and ever" they all lifted their pinkies making her grin.

She lifted her pinky as well, a genuine smile on her face. This was their newly established peace sign.

"Can I tell you" she glanced at her palms "from the start"

They nodded eagerly. It was far time they knew the truth about her past. They were going to be there for her. They would comfort her. They would soothe her. They would console her. Her past didn't define her and they would drill it in her head till she knew it like it was some sort of anthem for her.


Happy New Year everyone. I don't know about you but my New Year has been pretty chill. Nothing too fancy. Just me and My playlist of Michael Jackson, Bon Jovi, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Bonnie Tyler, Britney Spears and Celine Dion. How has your New Year's been?

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