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Mom called me downstairs for dinner.

I took a bath, and went down, still having my mind somewhere else.

Basically thinking about THAT thing.

"Why did she stay there that long?"

"What are they doing this late?"

"Why did she hang up my phone in the middle?"

Practically having many questions in my mind.

"You should have told me and then should've gone for ground in the evening beta." Mom said as she was serving me rice.

"Maa...I thought of telling but you were asleep, and even I am not a kid right to still..tell you where I am going." I said.

"You became a Man or what, just by entering college?" Dad's voice came from the backside, without him looking at me.

"No.No. Not like that, I said like, it's only for ground no, so I said in that manner, Dad." I said with stumbles in my voice.

"Whatever it may be you need to tell it out before going out. Just because you grew up doesn't mean you can go out whenever you wanted." Dad said.

I remained silent.

"Don't take class while he is eating. Let him have it." Mom said in reflex.

She does that every time when dad is against me. 

That one time, I like her a lot.

I looked at mom. She smiled back.

The one time I don't understand her.

I completed my dinner, this time I didn't go back, it felt absurd to go back to the room, obviously, what's there now, Even Shilpa isn't there to talk. I thought.

Sat, next to dad, he was watching T.V., the basic boring News channels.

I wonder, what's that interesting in that bragged News channel's.

Mom came and sat beside me, I put my head in mom's lap, one of my other favorite thing I do when she's around.

Felt like a child.

She put her hand and rubbed through my hair.
Dad turned off the Tv and pulled my legs into his lap, he just massaged them slowly, while talking.

I literally layed there on the sofa, head in mom's lap and legs in dad's lap.

We laughed and talked a lot. Felt like really Child. I don't know how but time just flew away, and I thought how I just ignored mom and dad, with my own thoughts roaming around someone, who is right now with some other one.

Maybe it was 10 pm, I woke up from my bed, I don't even know how I ended up there, came downstairs, lights were already off, peeked through Bedroom, mom and dad was asleep.

I understood, they put me back in the bed, while I was asleep.

Drank a glass of water, looked at the time, it was 10:30.

Went back to the room and closed the door. Layed on the bed and took my phone into my hands.

There were no messages or calls. Yes, I still remember what happened, but was expecting a call.

Didn't get what I was searching for. Was still thinking about that, but soon, slept along.

Woke up the next day pretty early, I don't know-how. Looked at my mobile it was 6 am, in the morning, the sky was slightly dark and slightly bright just like me.

Took bath, dressed up early, and came downstairs. Was so fresh today, the morning rays from the main door hit differently.

It was beautiful outside. I figured out I have been missing out on many small things In life that are right in Infront of me.

Soaked in the bright morning sun for more than an hour. 

Hyderabad Morning and Night's hit's very different when you are in a different mood. I felt like the world spoke with me.

"You woke this early. Wow." Mom said, seeing me just sitting there and watching the sun.

"Yeah, I don't know how, but I woke. Can I get a cup of Tea? Please? It's nice today." I said without wasting time.

Mom went back. I sat there, looked at the time it was just 7 in the morning. Saw two birds on an electric wire, sitting right next to each other, as if they are in deep love. Was so beautiful to look at them, until another one came by and sat there. It created a disturbance in them, I don't know bird language but I can surely say, one of them was really uncomfortable.

Reminded me of yesterday, suddenly got remembered about Shilpa.

It's a wonder how Your mind, whatever you think, finally comes to the only place where it wanted to go.

Mom came back with a cup of tea, I drank it and went back in. Sat on the sofa, thinking into blank. Mom saw me, she came by and sat, beside me.

She ran her hands slowly through my hair and started speaking.

"When I was your age, in my college, I wanted to do many things, you know I love to dance and sing, I used to dance like hell when I am alone. But you know I had this bad thing called Overthinking. I used to Overthink a lot,

What would my parents say if I told them I like to dance?

How would my family look at me If I did that?

Those days they haven't allowed women to do things that they like. It was a bit hard. Now I seriously Regret what I did, back then. Look now no one cares about you. No one whom I thought would Judge me doesn't even know where I am. It's your life, you have to take decisions, No one clears the path for you. It's you who needs to do it. " She said.

I looked at her, wondering why is she telling all these to me.

"Now, If you wanted to tell anything to anyone or wanted to do anything, just do it. You'll Regret a lot just because you haven't tried." She said looking into my eyes.

I understood that look. She didn't directly tell me, but I got the point, why she's telling me.

"I am your mom. I have been watching you since you were born. I know what's happening in your life." She said with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Now get up, it's already time, Go to college." She said getting from the sofa. 

She walked away and started doing work.

I got up and hugged mom from the backside, with a big smile on my face, from the heart.

"Thank You," I said to mom.

I swear I got this kind of Energy, I got up, packed my bags, and made a move to the college, thinking I am not gonna miss this chance and make a mistake.

Love this morning. Love this Energy. Finally, 

Love HER.

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