Mentions attempted and sexual assault. I will put two lines where it begins and stops. Re-Writing this chapter because it wouldn't let me do it.
"Now I will assign partners for Potions for this year." Slughorn said, smiling.
"And no they cannot be changed." He added as a second thought.
"Sirius and Lilith, Lily and James, Remus and Peter," He droned on and on.
Lilith didn't hear anything. SHe just turned a deadly glare at him. Sirius usually smirked off her glares but this one was new. It showed hate, malice, and dark magic. It showed pain and tears. Something had happend over the summer and he would find out what.
Lilith dragged herself to where Sirius was sitting and plopped herself down next to him.
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You can read till they hear the scream.
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Lucius held her face down so Lestrange could kiss her and Lilith screamed in shame and pain.
"Oh you poor pretty mudblood!" Lucius cried.
"Get away from me! leave me alone!" She wept.
"Sectumptera!" Snape shouted.
Assault might continue into the next chapter. Will line it so you know.