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"Wake up, you shit piece

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"Wake up, you shit piece." Eunji heard a voice but she didn't move. Her eyes were closed as her body was laid on a very comfortable bed. "That's it." She jolted up when someone slapped her so hard that she almost fell from the bed. Her eyes went wide open and she saw Jane staring at her with her hands on her hips and Yuri giggling beside her.

"What?!" Eunji shouted in anger because someone woke up in the worst way possible. She sat up but yelped when a sudden pain shoot through her head. She gripped her head and looked at her lap, experiencing a very bad headache. "Did I hit my head on a rock or what?"

"You seriously don't remember what happened yesterday?" Yuri smiled as she crawled on the bed and laid beside Eunji. Eunji opened her eyes and looked around, realizing they were in Yuri's bedroom.

"Wait..." Eunji tried to remember what she did yesterday night but it was like there was no yesterday night. The last she could remember was barging into a random bar and ordering a drink.

"You drank alcohol. You were completely wasted." Jane rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "We couldn't even find you cause you were ignoring our calls."

"In the end, your lover or you can call him Joon messaged her on Instagram and told her about you being drunk. You messaged him in your drunk state, then voice messages and later, voice call. He asked where you were and that's how he reached you." Yuri explained.

"Joon was with me?!" Eunji gasped and again tried to remember what happened yesterday but failed to remember. She felt like crying as she missed a very big opportunity.

"Be glad he is a good gentleman that you met online as he dropped you at the police booth and contacted us. If there was any other online freak, we don't know what would've happened." Jane dragged a chair and sat on it. Eunji felt her heart beating fast after what she heard.

"You know, you were crying over a dog." Yuri laughed and Eunji snapped her head to her. "Well..."


"I WANT TO FLY! I WANT TO BE VENTI! WOOOSH!" Eunji put her arms in a cross and tried to jump but nothing happened. "No!! Why can't I do it?!" She repeatedly jumped while the two girls from distance watched her like she was high on drugs. Eunji looked up and pointed up. "I will climb up and glide down."

"NO!!" Yuri and Jane shouted and ran to her, holding her before she could climb a tree. Eunji screamed, wanting them to let her go but they didn't. 

"Fuck, Eunji, you don't have a glider." Yuri tried to explain to her why she can't 'fly' while Jane was confused about what are they saying.

"Oh~" Eunji suddenly stopped pulling and nodded. They sighed and removed their grip but their relief didn't last long as Eunji suddenly ran with her arms out. "I'M SAYU, THE NINJA!!" They groaned and ran again behind her.

"EUNJI, SAYU IS A KID, YOU ARE AN ADULT!" Yuri shouted and Eunji suddenly stopped. Yuri stopped but Jane was late to apply breaks. She bumped into Yuri and they fell and Yuri hit her head on the ground as she was below Jane.

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