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"Eunji!!" Someone screamed my pain and there was a stinging pain on my cheek

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"Eunji!!" Someone screamed my pain and there was a stinging pain on my cheek. Another shot of pain but this time, on my other cheek.

"I'm stealing your instant noodles." When a voice said that, my eyes shot open. Yuri was above my face with her hand raised. "Oh, she is awake."

"You wanna kiss me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Sure." Yuri shrugged and puckered her lips while moving closer. But she was suddenly jerked away out of nowhere. Jane came in my view.

"Get up." Jane grabbed my shoulders and pushed me up. I winced at the pain that was on my whole body. My back, my face, and my head.

"Where am I?" I looked around and I was in a hallway. It was the way to the washroom. I remembered that.

"You were going to the washroom but didn't come back." Jane bit my arm. "You know how worried we were. We almost called an ambulance when we saw you laying here."

"I think I had a weird dream." I closed my eyes for a moment before looking at my friends again.

"About what?" They both said in sync.

"That Joon is Namjoon." When I said that, Yuri and Jane started to laugh. I also smiled and shook my head. "I mean, there is no way that would be possible."

"Why would he talk to you?" Jane helped me stand up. "It's against the company's policies."

"You never know." That was a man's voice. The three of us looked at each other. As far as we know, there was no one in the hallway. We even looked around but no human other than us.

"Yuri, was it you?" I turned my head to Yuri and tilted my head.

"How come I have a man's voice out of nowhere?" Yuri pointed at her face. She crossed her arms and scoffed.

"We don't trust you." Jane said and I nodded. 

"Ouch, guys."

There were multiple rooms in the hallway. The one that was the nearest to us, it's door opened. We looked there and saw Namjoon's head peeked outside. "Hey." He smiled.

"HUH?!" The three of us shouted at the same time. I looked around to see if there was someone other than us. Maybe a staff or someone but no, there was no one.

"You three, I'm talking to you." He fully walked out of the room and stood in front of us within two feet distance from us.

"Who are you." Yuri came in front of us and stood in a fighting pose. Jane kneed the back of her knee. Yuri screamed. Jane pulled her back.

"We apologise for her." Jane bowed to him. I also bowed down and made Yuri bow with us.

"Nice to meet you, again." I smiled at him even though my heart was trying to come out of my chest. I just knew Jane and Yuri also felt the same nervousness. Yuri acted like that out of nervousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2024 ⏰

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