Chapter Twenty-Five

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・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

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・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

It happened so fast, Odette didn't even see it. She heard it, though, something like electricity, a round of gasps, a thud. "Fuck," Johanna cursed, jumping back, her hands going to her head. It was only then that Odette the body noticed.

"Not good," Wiress mumbled, pointing at the trees. "Not good." There was a bang, the canon. Blight was dead.

"What happened?" There'd been nothing, he couldn't have just died. Odette stood nailed to the ground, her eyes on the second dead ally of the day. Who'd be next?

"A forcefield," Beetee said, stepping away from the body. "A really good one."

A forcefield? Had her games had one? Why were they still standing there? She glanced back at Johanna, who seemed to snap back to herself. "Time to go left, then," she said. Was it the same for her as when Odette saw Woof die? She supposed not, they weren't close. But even so, he was someone she knew. Someone she lost.

But Johanna wasted no time and started walking before anyone could protest. Odette glanced at the other two tributes, who didn't seem to be doing too well. "Come on," Odette said as gently as she could, because stopping in the games came with a risk she wasn't willing to take. "Just a bit further. We still have to find water."

They moved, and that was good enough for her. They'd keep up, she needed to check on Johanna. With a strength she didn't realize she still had, she moved forward, following in Johanna's footsteps. They were lucky she was sensible enough to even half-storm off at a slower pace than she was capable of. "Are you okay?"

Whatever 'path' there was, was too small for her to walk next to Johanna, to offer comfort in the way she was best at. Instead, she had to speak breathlessly while swatting plants out of her face and trying not to trip. "Yes, why?" Johanna slashed her ax a bit too hard against the plants.

"Well," Odette started. "Blight died."

She glanced behind her, seeing Beetee and Wiress were not far behind. Probably far enough for anxiety to set in. "Never liked him."

"I know," Odette said, but she knew it was a lost battle. Johanna didn't want to talk, and she wanted to respect that. Still, she wanted to be there for her. "But you knew him. He was from home."

Johanna shrugged, but her voice sounded frustrated when she said: "Whatever. We need to keep moving. Stay back and watch Nuts and Bolts, we need them."

Odette understood her reaction. She'd never been much of a talker outside the privacy they created in one of their bedrooms. Besides that, Johanna preferred to focus on what really mattered, and to her, silly emotions weren't part of that. Even though she understood, Odette couldn't ignore the hurt. "Okay," she said instead, slowing her pace until she was behind them.

Epiphany | Johanna MasonWhere stories live. Discover now