Chapter Twenty-Seven

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At least Wiress' nonsense had made sense to someone. Odette was far from thrilled it lead them back towards the cornucopia. But at least her legs had stopped shaking. At least she'd come back to her senses. She was more than embarrassed about her breakdown, even if she still felt it all over her body.

With her eyes glued to the uneven stones, she was the last one to join them, her heart beating wildly in her chest. "The tail points to twelve o'clock," Finnick said, pointing towards the largest tree in the jungle.

Odette ventured into the cornucopia. She'd lost her knife in the blood rain, and had to admit she felt a little more vulnerable without a weapon. The cornucopia had been filled with nothing aside from the silver weapons of the Capitol. There was no food or water or other supplies like other years. At least that meant there was still plenty of sharp stuff stocked in there.

"So twelve to one, lightning," Peeta had joined her in the cornucopia, drawing in the black sand with his manchette as Odette sorted through some knives. "One to two is blood. Then fog and then monkeys."

"Monkeys?" Odette picked a knife that wasn't too heavy or big and slipped it under her belt.

Everyone had joined them around the cornucopia. "You don't want to know."

She absolutely believed that. It was Johanna, leaning against the metal dome that said: "absolutely terrific."

"Ten to eleven the wave. Did you guys see anything?" Katniss continued, coming closer to the drawing.

"Nothing but blood," Johanna answered, a bit too sharp considering the question.

Peeta was quick to respond. "It shouldn't matter. If you avoid the active parts, you're safe." He added something else to the circle, but Odette couldn't see what. Was there any safety? Even now that they were in a bigger group, Odette felt anything but safe. They were exposed, not only to other tributes, but to Panem as a whole, too. Any sense of previous security she'd had, had been washed away by the blood. By her worst nightmare literally becoming reality.

Only when she stopped walking did she realize she'd moved back to Johanna. "Yeah, relatively safe," Finnick moved closer to the improvised map as well when they heard a strangled gasp. When Odette noticed the lack of singing, it was too late.

Peeta lunged forwards, but Katniss was faster. When Odette realized it was Gloss who'd slit Wiress' throat, he was already falling backwards with an arrow in his chest.

A lot seemed to be happening at once. Odette was still frozen in her spot when Johanna pushed Finnick into the cornucopia and threw her ax towards a flash of movement. From the other direction, Brutus appeared out of the water, charging at Finnick.

Epiphany | Johanna MasonWhere stories live. Discover now