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Ares god of war
Always wonted a daughter
He may have 8 children with Aprhodite
and yes Harmonia his daughter

But he wanted a daughter with just his blood

So one day he decided to create one

With mud and Ashes  and his blood

First he sculpeted  the Baby with mud
Then he used ashes to create her Hair
After he cuts a little Bit of his finger
and drops his blood on her forehead

he brings the Baby sculpture to his father

Father please bring this sculpture to Life

Whey he askd

Because i want a daughter Not By union

Please father

Hmmmm okay but i need a favour to ask

Yes father anything  Ares says

I want her to have all our greek gods power
and become the Princess of olympus
Wenn i don't want to rule olympuse
I want her to take the throne

Y-yes father thank you thank you

No Problem now give me the Baby Girl

Ares gives the sculpture to Zues

Few minutes later there's a Baby cry

Hallo my beautiful granddaughter  Zeus Smileys at the Baby

Here take her

Slowy Ares takes his Baby his Baby this was a dream come true

What do you want to Name her  Zues ask


Yes it means calm , pure and mystic

ahhh good Name

Thank you father for everything

No thank you now we have an heir

Now Go

I have som business to attend to

Yes father

Ares goes away with his daughter

Now That he was alone he could fully See his daughter

She has brown skin and black hair

She was  the Most beautiful immortal  he ever


I thought you werde doing some important

Yes i forgot to Tell you That she is the goddass
Of peace

Princess Taha goddass of peace and the Princess of olympus

Wow a Long Name Ares says

Yes .
Now i muss go



Now Princess we can Go home

The forgotten daughter of Ares Where stories live. Discover now