A hero

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I -I'cant
Whey my Aunt says
Cause I can't it's hard to explain
I ran to my room

Robin POV:

Wenn Taha left
I ran efter her

I knocked at her door

Come in I her a angels voice

Hey I say wenn open the door

Hi she says

Soo wanna tell me why you ran away

She was quite

Well I'm waiting I say

Well for All my life I bin a princess

What if i do something wrong

Wee All make mistake but wee lernen from
Those mistakes
We have to always Improve our self. I say

She smiles at me gently

Thank you she says
That's wenn she kisses me on the Check

My face become bright red

She then left

Then i see Wally

man he says

You got it hard

He used his Superspeed to ran away

I say
I have idiots as friends
I shake my had

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