Eternal love

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Dick pov
Its night time Damian was sick so I volunteered to look after him .
It was hard as damian won't accept that he was sick .
Seriously I'm not sick says damian
O ya well the temperature says oder wise I say .
This is unnecessary Grayson I'm perfectly fin damian says.
Damian please just Rest your weak you need sleep ok.
Fin but wenn im better I'm gonna kick your ass for saying that I'm weak he yelled.
I laughed at that, ok butt you must Rest if you want to kick my ass ok.
Hm he replied, after that it was silence.
Grayson were you ever in love damian asked.
I chocked wh why do ask I say nervously
Well you never had a girlfriend and I don't think your gay so damian says .
I think of what to say I don't want to lie to my little brother so decided to tell him the truth well the have truth.
Wenn I was your age I met a girl she was beautiful kind and powerful I only knew her for a short time but the time we spent together was the most happiest time of my life as I remember the time I spent with her.
What happened to her Damian asked
She went home were she belonged it hurt me so many ways that even thinking about hurts I know it's selfish to want for my self but the heart wants what the heart wants I guess I reply and I hope to see again someday but I guess my love for her is eternal never moving not wan bit .
Damian was silence the unexpected he hugs me
I just embrace him too.
I'm sorry to ask you such personal question he says.
Its ok it was great to take this out of my chest I say back.
Grayson he says, yes I reply can you sing for me please.
I'm Schockt i don't know Damian I'm not a good singer.
Pleas he says , fine I sing you a song ok .
He just nods.
Eternal love ( my song i created)
I wait I wait for centuries for you my love
You with your beautiful star eyes that shines the brightest in the sky
For you I go the distance to places that I never bin to.
Your are my eternal love my brightest star
So with my wish my your hand becomes of great kindness one day
My eternal love the day I reach you the stars will align the water will glow the sun will shine
My eternal love your the truth your the lie
My love your eternal and I'm not
Your Beauty will never wither
Your kindness will stay
Even still My love for you is eternal .
Forever & Always
As I finished I had tears of my eyes this song was for her .
As I looked at damian he was asleep i smiled at him as I go away I say good night to him.

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