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Hallo guys so dis isn't a update I want to address you guys about mental health I had thes issue since a little girl I always feel that I'm not deserving that I have to always be good daughter to my parents uncles ,Aunts and Cousins I feelt like the black sheep in the family That let up to my grandfather passing it broke me till thes day it still does it feels like you're responsible for all That bad thing's happened my Aunt passing and my uncle it lead me to the path of self harming and to topple All of my mom was abusing to me I didn't say anything because I thought I deservd it then corna virus came and Took my mother away and that my dad found out everything I was away from som time my depression is still there but I'm am doing great I just hope that people are reading this I just hope you guys now that your worth every thing and your beautiful just the way you are.

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