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Trial Number: M20011
Date: 3/4/2045
Time: 06:48
Assistant(s): None
Classification: Synthetic
Test group: Alpha
Species: Common Rat
Age: 2 years
Sex: Male
Weight: 500g
Initial status: Stable and healthy
Anaesthesia: Not necessary
Procedure: The specimen is exposed to the liquefied gas. We wear specially developed liquefied gas masks to inhibit inhalation of the liquefied gas.
Monitoring: Every 10 minutes, in person
Additional info: The rat likes Jazz
Dosage: 0.1mL
Exposure Duration: 10 minutes
Results: Negligible

Trial Number: M20012
Date: 3/4/2045
Time: 06:58
Assistant(s): None
Classification: Synthetic
Test group: Alpha
Species: Common Rat
Age: 2 years
Sex: Male
Weight: 500g
Initial status: Stable and healthy
Anaesthesia: Not necessary
Procedure: The specimen is exposed to the liquefied gas. We wear specially developed liquefied gas masks to inhibit inhalation of the liquefied gas.
Monitoring: Every 10 minutes, in person
Additional info: The rat likes Jazz
Dosage: 0.2mL
Exposure Duration: 10 minutes
Results: Minimal reddening of the forelimbs

Trial Number: M20013
Date: 3/4/2045
Time: 07:08
Assistant(s): None
Classification: Synthetic
Test group: Alpha
Species: Common Rat
Age: 2 years
Sex: Male
Weight: 500g
Initial status: Stable and healthy
Anaesthesia: Not necessary
Procedure: The specimen is exposed to the liquefied gas. We wear specially developed liquefied gas masks to inhibit inhalation of the liquefied gas.
Monitoring: Every 10 minutes, in person
Additional info: The rat likes Jazz
Dosage: 0.3mL
Exposure Duration: 10 minutes
Results: Limbs have become very red, specimen keeps squeaking in agony

Liquid Death: Exposure ExperimentsWhere stories live. Discover now