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Trial Number: M20014
Date: 3/4/2045

ime: 07:18
Assistant(s): Veterinarian Jason
Classification: Synthetic
Test group: Alpha
Species: Common Rat
Age: 2 years
Sex: Male
Weight: 500g
Initial status: Stable and healthy
Anaesthesia: Used
Procedure: The specimen is exposed to the liquefied gas. We wear specially developed liquefied gas masks to inhibit inhalation of the liquefied gas.
Monitoring: Every 10 minutes, in person
Additional info: The rat likes Jazz
Dosage: 0.4mL
Exposure Duration: 10 minutes
Results: Paws swelling, limbs developing large bruises

Trial Number: M20015
Date: 3/4/2045
Time: 07:28
Assistant(s): Veterinarian Jason
Classification: Synthetic
Test group: Alpha
Species: Common Rat
Age: 2 years
Sex: Male
Weight: 500g
Initial status: Stable and healthy
Anaesthesia: Used
Procedure: The specimen is exposed to the liquefied gas. We wear specially developed liquefied gas masks to inhibit inhalation of the liquefied gas.
Monitoring: Every 10 minutes, in person
Additional info: The rat likes Jazz
Dosage: 0.5mL
Exposure Duration: 10 minutes
Results: Paws swelling, limbs developing large bruises

Trial Number: M20016
Date: 3/4/2045
Time: 07:38
Assistant(s): Veterinarian Jason
Classification: Synthetic
Test group: Alpha
Species: Common Rat
Age: 2 years
Sex: Male
Weight: 500g
Initial status: Stable and healthy
Anaesthesia: Used
Procedure: The specimen is exposed to the liquefied gas. We wear specially developed liquefied gas masks to inhibit inhalation of the liquefied gas.
Monitoring: Every 10 minutes, in person
Additional info: The rat no longer likes Jazz
Dosage: 0.6mL
Exposure Duration: 10 minutes
Results: Bruises have developed into welts. The rat had to be restrained in order to prevent it scratching and tearing at it’s wounds. Welts have begun bleeding. The eyes weep blood. Possible – highly likely – damage to the brain. Limbs have swollen and skin has torn open. Eyes have clouded over. Skull has fractured. Organs have liquefied somewhat. Deceased.

Notes: 0.6 mL was all it took to kill the 500g specimen. This suggests that just over 0.012% of the specimens weight in the liquefied gas is enough to cause termination. 

Liquid Death: Exposure ExperimentsWhere stories live. Discover now