Chapter 2

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Slowing to a stop, Dream stepped out of his car. Camera lights flashed around him as he went up to shake hands with the other racers, Sapnap giving him a hard punch in the shoulder and a smile.

Off the track, They're all truly good friends. Dream and Sapnap live together, and Tommy and Quackity are good friends. Hard feelings on the race track never made it out of the races alive.

Wilbur ran up to his brother when the crowds dimmed, giving him a big hug as George slugged behind him.

"You were amazing, Tommy!" Will said as he let go of his brother, turning to congratulate Dream on his win.

Sapnap slid up to George. "Who's this?" He pointed at George for emphasis, who shrunk into himself a little more.

"I'm George," He said, "Wilbur's friend."

Sapnap could sense how uncomfortable George was, so he took a step back. "It's nice to meet you! I'm Sapnap." He didn't stick out his hand for a handshake, seeing how George shrunk away seconds before.

"Tommy!" Tubbo came barreling in, almost knocking Tommy to the ground with a hug. "You were so cool, man!"

Ranboo walked behind him more calm. "Yeah, you did great, Tommy!"

Tommy puffed up his chest. "Well, of course I did good, i'm just that great!"

Quackity chuckled. "You still lost!"

"Only because of you!" Tommy said, stomping his foot. "If you hadn't bumped into me, I would have won!"

"Um, excuse me?" The last of the crowds were gone and one boy remained, the one in the colorful hoodie that caught Sapnap's attention earlier. He walked up to Sapnap.

"I'm a big fan, my name is Karl, i just wanted to know if i could get a picture or anything if that's ok?" Karl held up his phone.

Sapnap put his hand on his shoulder. "Of course! Let me do you one better, actually!" Sapnap reached into his pocket, pulling out a small card sized piece of paper. "Have this, you're cute!"

Karl looked absolutely flustered giggling a bit before quickly thanking Sapnap and scurrying off.

"What the fuck?!" Tommy quickly reached into Sapnap's pocket before he could react, pulling out a small stack of cards with Sapnap's number and socials written in each of them.

"You have these all the time?!" Quackity asked, holding back his laughter.

Sapnap snatched the cards back, putting them where they were in his pocket. "Well, yeah! You never know when you're gonna meet someone nice or whatever!"

Dream had stayed to the side, not saying much or participating in the banter. He just kept staring at George. He didn't know what it was about him, but it felt like seeing another human after living in the apocalypse for years. He made his heart beat with that adrenaline and flutter he chases in his every day life. He liked that.

"Hey, i'm Dream," He said walking up to George and putting his hand out for a handshake.

George took his hand lightly, not wanting to grab on too tightly. "I'm George, Wilbur's Friend."

Dream let go of his hand. "So, what brought you to the race today?"

George shuffled on his feet. "Wilbur brought me, he wanted to see his brother."

"That makes sense." They stood in awkward silence for a few seconds.

George was panicking, really. Dream was so bright to look at. Not really in colors, but more in presence. He didn't even look like he was trying to be, but he was like lightning personified. It intrigued George. But, they were standing in silence. This was horrible.

"Let's go, Dream! I wanna relax!" Sapnap whined, grabbing dream's arm and dragging him away to their car to go home.

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