Chapter 6

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The next race, George went willingly. Wilbur, of course, went as well, but we wasn't as excited as he usually is. He was sitting quietly, staring at the racers walking around.

"Who are you staring at?" George asked. "Tommy isn't down there yet."

"I think," Wilbur sighed, "i'm interested in Quackity."

"Like, you're crushing interested?"

Wilbur simply shook his head. "No, i don't think so. It's more like watching a leopard in its natural habitat."

George looked at quackity down by the track.

Quackity was irritable today. Not for any specific reason to begin with, but soon a problem did arise.

There was a race today, and Wilbur had all eyes on his every move.

Normally, Wilbur would be watching his own brother, but after their conversation the other day, they kept a close eye on each other.

"Big Q!" Tommy ran up behind him, patting him on the back. "Are you staring at my brother?"

"What? No, i'm staring at George."

Tommy frowned, raising an eyebrow. "I sense sarcasm."

Quackity just shook his head, going to talk to dream before the race began.

Dream caught one glance of George in the stands and the hair on the back of his neck rose.

"Dude, you're red," Sapnap said, putting his hand on his shoulder. "It's that brown haired boy, isn't it? Ive only ever seen him dress in blue."

It was true, dream was staring at George, and even though they've only seen each other a couple times, George was always wearing a shade of blue.

"We'll, yeah," Quackity said, walking up to them, "he's colorblind. He can only really see blue."

"Hey, how would you know?" Sapnap asked.

"Wilbur told me."

Sapnap's face brightened. "Are you two getting along?"

Quackity's face went red. "No, not at all!"

Sapnap just shrugged. "Oh well, i got my own handsome boy to worry about anyways." Sapnap looked up in the stands, scanning them for a boy in colorful clothes.

Karl sat in the stands, a book and colorful pens in his hands.


His name was called loudly from somewhere down the stands. Looking up, he saw Sapnap waving at him, Quackity shaking his head at Sapnap.

He shyly waved back, losing grip of his notebook, which flew in the wind slightly before a tall boy with sunglasses grabbed it.

Tubbo and Ranboo usually always stuck together, except for when ranboo got lost.

Usually Ranboo would keep a book on him full of scribbles and notes of things he needed to remember. He had horrible memory problems, just shy of short term memory loss.

He had managed to get lost while in the crowd when he saw a purple book with green and gold accents. He picked it up.

"Oh, thank you!" Karl walked up to him. "I'm sorry, i dropped that."

"Is this," Ranboo read the front, "a memory book?"

Karl froze. "Uh, yeah, it is. I'm horrible at remembering things."

Ranboo handed the book back, taking a black book with silver and purple swirls decorating it. "I also have a book like that!"

They both seemed to light up at the thing they had in common.

"Would you wanna come sit with me and my friend?"


Tubbo had searched everywhere for Ranboo. He wasn't hard to find in most situations. Ranboo was taller than average and always wore platforms and heels to add to that. He wore sunglasses and a face mask with half and half designs everywhere he went. So, why couldn't Tubbo find him?

Well, Tubbo was a little shorter than average height by about an inch. Seeing over people was difficult.


Ranboo was in the distance, waving for him.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo ran up to him, giving him a hug. "Dude, where were you?"

Ranboo gestured to Karl. "I found a memory friend!"

Waving shyly, Karl held his book to his chest.

Tubbo's eyes lit up. "Hi! i'm Tubbo!"

"Karl, it's nice to meet you."

The faster you go, the more eyes that are on you. Everybody wants to watch a winner.

No one wants to watch Tommy.

It's like the whole world revolves around Dream, the winner. He always won, he always came first, he always had the attention.

It was a big reason why Tommy tried to be so loud and abrupt. He didn't realize it, but he always tried to get attention. Any kid his age would.

Being the youngest in almost all races, no one really cared. They saw him as a stupid kid and nothing more.

He lost the race that day, and Wilbur wasn't even paying attention.

"What place did you get?"

"Didn't you see? i got sixth!"

"Ah, sorry, i didn't realize."

Tubbo and Ranboo were with some kid, Quackity and Wilbur were at each other's throats, and almost everyone's eyes were on dream.

He was pretty sure he didn't like dream. But, who could hate him? Talented and smart and handsome, brown-blond hair and freckles, 6'3" and a tan over his body. Star racer.

Better than Tommy.

Tommy walked back to Wilbur's car and sat in the passenger seat, waiting for Wilbur to get back so they could go home. He looked out the window.

A group of people stood at their car in front of his. There were three, one was sitting in the open trunk. He was missing an arm. The other two were abnormally tall, standing on the outside and talking.

The one sitting noticed Tommy, waving with his one arm. The other two noticed and gave small waves.

Tommy got out of the car. "Hello!"

"Hi!" the one sitting said. He had a heavy accent. "Do you need anything?"

Tommy paused. "Oh, not really, i was kinda just left alone-"

The sitting one stood up. "We'll, i'm Ponk!" Ponk stool out his hand and Tommy shook it.

"This is Foolish and Sam!"

Tommy waved. "I'm Tommy, i was just in the race at the track."

Foolish perked up. "Oh yeah, you're the youngest! You got sixth right? You're so talented!"

Tommy practically beamed. "Yeah, that's right!"

"I used to race, but i can't anymore," Ponk said, shrugging his lone shoulder. "it's so amazing to see such young people do cool things. You're really good!"

Sam simply nodded, a smile on his face.

Tommy grinned. "Thank you, so much!"

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