Unsaid Emily

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Inspired by Julie and the Phantoms song Unsaid Emily

I changed some lyrics symbolized by [] to make sense

Hope had run out on Josie after Josie had told her that she had given up on finding a solution to the merge.

Hope's Pov

I shouldn't have left her, but I was scared. I was scared that I would lose her just as I had lost my parents. So I did what I criticized others for doing. I ran and abandoned the Gemini witch. I left without a word, and now I kick myself every night, but how could I bring myself to face her after what I had done. I picked up my guitar, a new hobby I had picked up. I slowly strummed the strings as I tried to get my thoughts off the guilt I felt but to no avail. Instead, lyrics made their way into my head.

"First things first, we start the scene in reverse. All of the lines rehearsed, disappeared from my mind. When things got loud, one of us running out. I should've turned around, but I had too much pride." I stopped to write the idea down in my notebook when my phone began to ring. I picked it up to check, and surprisingly the caller ID read Lizzie Saltzman. I reluctantly answer. "Hello?"

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson," Lizzie practically yelled; I grimaced. I hated when the blonde twin used my full name. "Our twenty-first birthday is only a day away. Aren't you going to come back?" I sighed.

"Lizzie, you know I can't not after what I did to Josie." I heard Lizzie scoff into the phone.

"Yeah, you messed up, but Hope Josie never stopped loving you even after the stunt you pulled. She waits every night by the door in hopes that you will come back. " My eyes started watering. Even after all this time, Josie still loved me. "And you will jus destroy her even more if you don't come tomorrow." I didn't know what to say.

"What if something happens? What if things just become even worse between us?" I began to panic.

"Hope, I know you're scared that you will hurt Josie, but Josie is stronger than everyone believes. You of all people should know that." the blonde said calmingly. I took a breath and collected myself.

"You're right. I do know that."

"I'm always right, Mikaelson," Lizzie joked.

"Don't push it, Elizabeth." I taunted back.

"So, are you going to come back?" Lizzie asked optimistically. I picked up a photo of Josie and me. My arms were wrapped around her shoulder, the biggest smiles on both of our faces. I felt my chest tighten, how I missed seeing Josie smile and feel her hold me.

"I'm coming back."

The next day

I arrived at the Salvatore school. So many memories, good and bad, filled my head. I smiled and got out of my car.

"Hope," I turned, and Lizzie wrapped me in a hug.

"Lizzie, I missed you." We pulled away from each other.

"I missed you too; I'm glad you came back" I nodded my head in agreement. I looked around but didn't see the brunette twin anywhere. Lizzie smiled, seeming to know what I was thinking.

"She's at the Old Mill, go" I turned and faced the blonde twin.

"Thank you." I raced to see the brunette once again.

I arrived but didn't see Josie anywhere.

"Jo?" I called out. I heard some boards shift from the level above me.

"Hope?" Josie's head popped out from over the side, her eyes widening at the sight of me. "Hope is it really you?" the brunette twin asked. I nodded as she raced down the stairs and into my arms.

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