I Hear A Symphony

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Inspired by I Hear A Symphony by Cody Fry

They say that when you meet your soulmate your entire world changes. Dull colors become vibrant, subtle smells become fragrant, and simple songs become symphonies.

Set in season 1

A/N, not every detail is going to be accurate. Landon and Hope haven't met before this.

Hope's POV

My mom told me I should have one totally epic love, but it's been years since she left the earth, and still no luck. Everywhere I look I see couples seemingly mocking me in their love and happiness. Being a tribrid I've come to terms with the fact that happiness wouldn't be something I experienced quickly, but I didn't think it would be impossible. Emma says that I need friends but she doesn't see the way people look at me. How they turn and walk in the other direction as soon as they see me. Hope Mikaelson daughter of Klaus Mikaleson, the great evil, Even now as I stand at the entrance of the Salvatore school waiting to greet the newcomer I can feel everyone's eyes on me. Two boys step out of the van and directly into the arms of the welcoming committee also known as the twins, Josette and Elizabeth Saltzman. Who just so happen to be the daughters of the headmaster of the school, Alaric Saltzman, the man who had taken over in trying to raise me ever since I lost both of my parents. I watch as the girls introduce themselves and as per usual incorrectly introduce me. As the group passes by me I lock eyes with the curly-haired boy who also was in the van. Suddenly the grey colors that I had been used to seemed brighter. I shook my head, I had only heard about how meeting a person's soulmate could quite literally change the person's world. Could This guy really be my soulmate, my epic love my mom had told me to find? I sighed there was no way I could entertain this idea I had to keep pushing forward as I had been taught. I was headed towards the cafeteria when I ran into the group again. Lizzie said something insulting, while the taller boy's arm was linked with hers. The curly-haired boy had his arm linked to Josie, both smiled as I passed by. Again The world became brighter and I could smell the scent of vanilla. I smiled back at them as I made my way to the cafeteria. I never stayed in the cafeteria because I didn't feel like being watched like an animal at the zoo so I retreated to the woods. As I sat under a tree I couldn't help but flash back to the events that had happened earlier in the day. I grabbed a notebook from my bag and began doodling the scene in front of me. Over the years I've found that drawing has always allowed my mind to clear so I could think. I felt my eyes begin to close as the warm sun made me feel sleepy. I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes again the sun was beginning to set. I looked down and on my notebook, there was a sticky note.

I used to hear a simple song

That was until you came along

Now in it's place is something new

I hear it when I look at you

-An admirer

I couldn't tell by the handwriting who it was, but I couldn't help but smile while reading it. A few days passed and I finally was introduced to the newcomers. The tall boy was a newly turned werewolf named Rafael and with him, his adoptive brother Landon who was supernatural, but Alaric and Donavan weren't sure what kind. Landon ended up being in a decent amount of my classes, suddenly being in classes wasn't such a drag. I had been studying in the library. I left for the bathroom and when I returned a new note appeared on my desk.

With simple songs I wanted more

Perfection is so quick to bore

You are more beautiful by far

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