Yet another meeting

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"Woah, what do you have against my chest?" He asked clearly amused at my, what must have been, red face. I was just frozen, and then I snapped out of my trance and just ran off mumbling a "sorry".

Zayn's POV

I was walking down the halls talking to the boys, and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I ran into a girl or she ran into me, whichever. She was very beautiful, and might I add, very fit.

"Woah, what do you have against my chest"? (A/N she ran into his chest) I said jokingly

She just look puzzled, then snapped out of whatever trance she was in, and mumbled a quick "sorry", and just quickly walked away.

Kaylee's POV

Why didn't I say anything. Why do I have to be such a loser. I am never good with boys. But you know what, i'm at work and i'm not gonna let that bother me.


"Kayls, can you lock up for me?" My boss Hessie asked me. i work at a little cafe on Bradley Street.

"Sure Jess"

"Thanks kid".


**1 hour Later**

I was closing up the cafe and walked outside expecting to see my mom there waiting for me. (My dad died when I was 10). i turn my phone on and I get a voicemail from my mom saying that she had to fly out to London and wouldn't be able to pick me up. I called my friend Jamie, and when she answers, she slurs "Whatttts up budddyy''.

Great, she's drunk. Guess I can't get her to pick me up. My last option, seeing as no busses run this late, and I left my purse in my locker at school, so I can't call for a cab.

I set out to walking, but as I was walking, I heard footsteps behind me so i quickened up my pace and so did the feet behind me. I broke out into a sprint, but soon the person behind me caught up to me, and pushed me up against a building. I screamed and kicked whoever it was 'where the sun don't shine', then started running again. I spotted an alley and ran into it.

While i was running, I was so busy paying attention to what was behind me, that I was not paying attention to what was in front of me, and I ran into a strong, dark figure. I was just thinking that something bad was going to happen to me tonight, but when the guy that was chasing me came into the alley, the guy that I ran into said, "Get behind me"

I didnt have time to argue so I just said, "okay", and got behind him.


Sorry about the cliffhanger. I know that this story is boring now, but i promise, it will get more interesting in the chapters to come.

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