Chapter 5

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Author's Notes:

Soooo,I can't believe I'm already on chapter five and I still have so many ideas in mind. I'm alittle sad no one one is really commenting anymore, it's kinda lonely. I really miss reading all the comments I would get. :(  But that doesn't mean I won't stop writing. Still have two other stories I'm working one, I never could just do one. LOL. Sooo hopefully my other ones will become a favorite like this one is.


I stood outside of the door, waiting for it to open and see the man I had once loved. This was the moment I regretted the most because I wasn't sure what I would do. Would I see him and fall in love once again? Would I scream at him and beat him to a pulp? Would I apologize for what I had been training to do and expose everything? Or would I go through with the plan and feel nothing? These questions have gone through my mind for so long and now was the moment for them to be answered.

I listened to the scuffling of feet inside the apartment and watched the doorknob turn. Then there he stood, standing over me in nothing but some pants. His russet skin glistened with water, his perfectly sculptured body sending off heat waves. He had looked even hotter then he did six years ago. The temptation to ran my hand across his abs was screaming at the back of my head. It wasn't because I'm still in love with him, cause I'm not. It was more for the fact cause I've never even seen a six pack, let alone touched one.

I made a mental note to find a really hot guy with a six pack when this was all over. Maybe I would try going to California or Florida. Hell, I'll go to Hawaii if I can. I ralized that the few seconds that passed I almost missed the thing I have been looking forwarded to watching, Jacob imprinting. His large, brown eyes that had looked like it had went through so much pain suddenly lit up as soon as they met mine.

I smile at him and do a half wave. "Hey Jake. Miss me?" I watch as it hits him who I am. "Vanessa?" He asked which made me smile again and nodded. His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me into his chest. I didn't expect him to hug me. The heat radiating off his body was overwelming and it made me realize how cold it was outside.

I held me so tightly like he didn't know if I was real or not. Why did he care? He didn't care about when he madly in love with Bella. The anger started to get to me and I had to remind myself why I was here. Revenge, I can release all of my anger later when the moment comes.

Jacob suddenly pulled me away and held me at arms legthn, looking my body over. I started to smirk as I watched him, I knew exactly what he was doing. He was checking me over, not checking me out like most guys do. He was checking for any sign of being a vampire or any sign of a vampire being near me. But he wouldn't find any signs.

As he finally came to my face the smirk was still there and he shook his head, letting my arms go. I wanted to laugh as I saw the blush form on his cheeks before he could hide it from me. Awe, I made Jakey blush. I walked past him as he invited me in, looking around the small apartment. It was small, to small for the large male. It wasn't very homey either. It was like he didn't really care, which I'm sure he didn't but it looked like he didn't plan on staying there long. My eyes pulled away from the depressing home to Jake, who was still shirtless.

I smiled at him, "So when did you get those?" I asked, pointing to the muscles that any girl would drool over and any guy would die for. He looked down at his body and laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It kinda just showed up one day." He tried to make it sound like a joke but I knew that it wasn't. I knew the truth, one day he was human and then he just changed. But though I hate liars and wanted to call him out on it, I just smiled and shrugged.

He walked past me to a room and came back out with a shirt on. "When did you get back?" He asked as he sat on the couch, which protested at the weight. I was looking at a picture on the wall, there were very few. There was one of Billy, Jake, and all the girls, in front of their house. Another of Jacob with I assumed was the pack (Leah, Sam, Embry, Paul, Quil, Seth, Jared, all of them). I rolled my eyes at the next one, it had Jacob and Bella laughing away at something. I wanted to punch Bella in the face. But the last picture made me stop, I couldn't believe he had it. It was a picture tooken a year before I ran away. I was in a floral one piece swimsuit, grinning like a fool, my long hair was drenched and alittle frizzy. Jacob had picked me up just as the picture was taken so I was laughing more then grinning. It was summertime and everyone had gone to the lake. It was the day I fell in love with Jacob, the day he saved me.

I shook my head before I went into that memory and turned to Jacob. "Today. I got off the bus a few hours ago." I watched as he struggled for his next question. I already knew what it was.Vampires. But I couldn't just say it for him or he'll know for sure that I've been with some. "Were you....taken?" He looked up at me,his eyes full of disappointment. For what? Himself? I ignored this and put on my best acting skills. "Taken?" I started to laugh and shook my head. "Of course not! Who would come and kidnap me?"

Jacob looked at the floor as my laughter began to die down. He looked back at me for a second and nodded, "Yeah. That's crazy. But why did you leave?" The question took me off guard. I had expected him to drop it after he found out that I was never taken by any one, any vampires. "I felt I needed a change. I needed to get away from here for just a little bit. But when I was gone I lost the time and the days. I finally decided it was time to come back home." Jacob shook his head back and forth.

"Needed a change? Do you know what you put everyone through? Everyone thought you were dead. A phone call, a letter, anything to let us know you were alive would have been nice." His voice sounded so strained. I had been so blinded by anger that I never thought or cared what I put anyone through. But it wasn't enough to make me forget why I was here. Jacob would forgive me when he learned that the vampires, his Bella, were all evil and everyone was in danger.

"I'm sorry. But I couldn't do any of that." I said, watching the look on his face. If I had done any of that then I would have come back home and never look back. Jacob opened his mouth to say something when my cell phone went off. I pulled it out of my pocket and sighed. "I gotta go, Jake. We should get together tomorrow. The beach at 3?" He nodded to me before I turned and went out the door.

I didn't pull my phone back out till I got into the car. I opened the cellphone and dialed the number that had texted me. "It's done. He's imprinted on me. I'll be meeting him tomorrow at the beach. Give me a week and I'll be sure to have him get me close to the Cullens." The person said something on the other end. "Don't worry. I don't feel anything for him anymore so it won't get in the way. Give me a few weeks and the Cullens will no longer be a problem in Forks." I hung up the phone and started the car up. I looked up and Jake's window. "Sorry Jake but you'll forgive me." I pulled out of the parking space and drove off.


Okay, not my best chapter but atleast it's finally done. YAY!!!! LOL. So I hope you guys like it. Don't be afraid to comment and let me know your opinions. Also, if anyone have anything they want done on the next chapter let me know as well. I feel like to adding something for someone to my chapters lately.


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