Chapter 4

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Author's Notes:

Yay!!! Chapter 4!!!Sorry I'm in a good mood today. So I've decided to go ahead to add a cast to this story because a few of the characters aren't going to be the same ones from the movie. One problem,I can't think of a perfect Vanessa. I thought maybe Megan Fox but I'd rather have someone who fits Vanessa even better then Megan, Any ideas? But what do you guys think of the new cover? Cool,huh? It's of Vanessa and Jacob. I know Jacob of Taylor Lautner and not Steven Strait. But Steven plays a better Jacob for my story. Anyways here's Chapter 4. I hope you guys like it.


Jacob's POV:

I ran the back of my hand across my brow that started to have sweat roll down it. I layed under one of the cars that came in this morning and was almost done with it. I was grabbing for a rag when someone kicked my foot. It wasn't a threatening kick, more of a kick to get my attention. I sighed and rolled out from under the car. It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the light change but when they did I saw Sam above me. "Hey Boss." I said as I sat up and started to wipe my hands off.

Yes, I did say boss. After the death of Bella, then her coming back as a vampire, and learning of Vanessa I just broke down. I started to get distant and will snap at unexpected people whenever I thought about the two. Losing the two people I love really messed me up. Sam understood that and said I should get a hobby, something to take my mind off of things. That's when Sam's Auto Shop opened. I was the first person to get a job there.

"I think it's time you head home,Jake." I looked at him and shook my head. "Nah,I'm good. I have this car I need to finish working on." I laided back down and was starting to roll under the car before Sam pulled me out. I shot him a glare, which he ignored of course.

"You need to get some sleep. You were patrolling all night then came straight here. I can't have you shutting down on me." Geez, he sounded like my dad. But he was right. I haven't gotten any sleep at all. Keeping myself busy always keeps them off of my mind. Whenever I'm alone that's all I think about.

It was pointless to argue with Sam, he's as stubborn as I am. I let out a sigh and shrugged,"Alright fine. I'll clock out." Sam nodded and walked off. He didn't say anything about the car I had been working on. He'd probably have one of the guys do it. And by guys I mean the other pack members. Yeah, just one big family. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

I headed into the office and clocked out. Emily, who is always in the office, smiled at me. "Heading home already?" She asked, softly

"Yeah, Sam is sending me home." I said alittle more bitterly then I should have.

Yet Emily smiled at me anyways,"He worries about you. As does the rest of the pack. We all just want you to be okay."

She was right, everyone has been really worried about me. It was alittle annoying, there always had to be someone with me at all times. I guess none of them wanted me to disappear again. The thought had crossed my mind many times though. I didn't answer Emily, instead I just waved and left.

I walked out to my car and stopped at the familiar laugh. It was light and love-stuck. I surpressed a groan as I turned to see Leah with her Imprint, Vince. Sam was nice enough to give Vince a job at the shop since the guy gave up his photography dream for Leah. But just for a while. Leah looked so happy as the two spoke and laughed. The idea that Leah had Imprinted before me would have upsetted me if I hadn't fallen for Bella. I couldn't even be happy for Leah because of my broken heart. Kinda selfish, huh?

The two didn't even look up from their little love bubble as I got into my car and slammed the door. I always wonder if me and Bella would have been that way if the leech hadn't shown up. Would we have been as happy, as in love as I see all the pack members around me. I started the engine and took off, leaving behind a trail of dust.

My hands clenched around the steering wheel as I drove. Memories of Bella and Vanessa came into my mind. This is why I stay working, it keeps the thoughts away. This is why I stay awake all the time, it keeps the nightmares away. The nightmares of Bella the day she was turned. The nightmares of Vanessa being mauled by vampires like the cases in Seattle.

A low, angry growl escaped my lips as I glared at the road. I could have saved her if I hadn't been to caught up in my own little bubble. She'd still be alive today if I had only saved her. But I couldn't go back in time, I didn't have that power.

I pulled the car into the parking lot of the apartment building and stepped out. The air smelled of rain and a small drizzle started to pour down again. What else can you expect from La Push?

The little droplets of rain began to make dark spots on my shirt as I walked towards my apartment. I unlock the door and go inside. It's quiet and dark inside, there really isn't much furniture. Dad kept offering to buy me some, even Sue would offer to help me make this place more homey. Of course I said no, what was the point? It's not like I was going to start a family anytime soon.

I headed to the bathroom and started the shower. The room began to fill with steam as I stripped out of my clothes. I stood there for a moment, allowing the warm water to wash away the car oils. After a few minutes I lathered my body and hair then rinsed it all off. I turned the water off and stepped out.

I was in my room, pulling pants on when there was a knock at the door. I looked at the front door with a confused look. Who would be showing up here? Most of the pack members were at the shop and the rest were on patrol. My dad is out with Sue for the day. So who could be on the other side of that door?

I walked towards the door, slowly. I wished the door had a peep hole so I could see but they didn't. I turned the door knob and pulled the door open.

That's when it happened. As soon as our eye met there was nothing but just us. I feel as if someone cut off my ties to the Earth and she was holding me there. I just..... imprinted. The girl smiles at me and does a half wave. "Hey Jake. Miss me?"

That's when I realize, I know this girl. But it couldn't be, could it. "Vanessa?" She smiles at me again and nods. I can't stop myself as I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest. She was alive and safe.

I continue to hold her tightly, afraid if I let go she'll disappear. But wait.... I pull away, holding her arms in my hands. I look her over real quick. She looks human. I breath in deeply, she smells human. She actually smells really good, a hint of cinnamon and the forest they grew up knowing.

Come to think of it, she looked really good too. I grew a few feet tall and was curvy. Her hair grew out to make a raven waterfall on her back. She just stood there watching me with a knowing smirk on her face.

I quickly shake my head and let her go. I step out of her way, so she could come in, Also to hide the hint of a blush that had formed on my russet cheeks. I just checked her out as she was watching me. Idiot!


Sorry it took me so long. Between work and school it's hard to find the time for fun. Hope you guys like the new chapter. But completely honest if you think it sucks or something.

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