the confrontation

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josh's pov:

"ugh adam isn't responding."

"oh no! what will princess olivia do without her prince charming?" 

"why do you hate adam so much? he didn't do anything to you."

"i just do. it's impossible to like him."

"oh please. you have no right to have an opinion on my relationship."

"whatever," i muttered.

"do you have an ideas on how to get out of here or are we just gonna sit here until we get saved?"

"are you even capable of doing anything for yourself? you are the last person in the world who i want to help right now."

"so you can't put your ego aside for just a minute and try and pry the doors open?!"

"nope!" i said, smiling sarcastically.

"ugh. you're so annoying. i don't know how sabrina tolerates you."

"unlike some girl i know she actually has a heart and isn't only famous because of the boy she writes about."

liv's smirk immediately slipped off her face, being replaced with pain and embarrassment.

"right" she muttered.

"why are you so damn sensitive?"

"excuse you?!"

"come on olivia. we both know adam is gonna leave you sometime soon so i dont know why you are still so sensitive"

"are you serious?"

my adrenaline started taking over "of course i'm serious. come on olivia, you guys have been dating for over two years. he'd gotta be cheating on you at this point. like you said, i cheated on you. and if i cheated on you what's stopping him from cheating on you, huh?"

"no, no josh please don't say that," liv said, getting close to crying

i don't know why i'm saying all this. it's like being trapped in this god--damn elevator is just completely dissolving my filter and rational thought. i'm definitely gonna regret what im saying now but i couldn't care less.

"you're lying to yourself. all your songs are about me and stupid old adam. people only listen to your music cus they think you're hot. people hate you and adam. nobody supports you're little prince charming. you have nothing going for you. might as well give up."

"give up on what?" she whispered, crying.

"everything," i shrugged my shoulders, no expression on my face

"ok," she muttered, pulling out her airpods to play her music. she scooted into the corner of the elevator, looking defeated.

. . .

olivia's pov:

please, god. please get me out of here. i can't handle this anymore. 

i knew being in a room with josh would be hard but this is too much. his outburst confirmed all the awful things i think about myself. 

all i can think to do right now is cry, and silently beg for him to disappear

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