The Guard's Progress

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"Before we leave, is there anything else anyone has thought of?"

The big 8 were having a secret meeting in the garden. The meetings were held at night so that they could get out of their duties, though it was still the same amount of struggle finding a place where nobody was.

"We need to bust her out."

"Well no shit but how? We all have high status's here, so is everyone ready to risk it all? Whatever we do is going to be a gamble." A silence fell over the group. They had all spent years climbing the chain of command for these positions, did they really want to give it up for her?

It was conflicting but they all knew the answer. They had to.

Besides, the king wasn't going to kill her. He liked her far too much, at least that's what they thought.

"We need her to keep her mouth shut til after the wedding. Once Prince Aaron is officially king, he'll get her out, but right now we can't risk her saying something stupid."

"Alright. That works. We can get someone to get that message through to her-"

"Why can't one of us just tell her?"

"Because it'll be too suspicious if we go down there again. Lets just leave it to someone else for now."

"If that's everything, then lets spilt. Sleep well everyone. Everything is going to be okay."


Nothing seems like it's going to be okay. Aaron thought, standing on his balcony and periodically looking over at Aphmau's balcony, wishing she would walk out of that door and talk to him.

He wished he had never let her go to that meeting.

He had spent his time in his room thanking god Lillian's room was far away from his. He just didn't know what to do with his time anymore. All he could do was think back to that idiot guard of his.

Aaron had come to collect Aphmau from the cafeteria, which didn't happen much but Aphmau appreciated when it happened. It was around dinner time for the guards. He could hear music playing from the other side of the door, it sounds like flutes and drums to make a medieval sounding song. He pushed open the heavy wooden doors, only to be shrouded with drunken laughter and the sight of the guards dancing. It dawned on him that it was the one year mark of Aphmau and Travis coming to the palace. They were celebrating. He looked over to the Big 8's table, spotting Aphmau stifling giggles while watching Travis try to dance with Lucinda. She seemed rather tired out.

Aaron didn't want to get in the way of the dancing so he went around the room, surprising Aphmau when he sat nexts to her. "It's madness that you've been here a whole year now." She turned to him, stunned by his sudden appearance. "Princey!" It didn't take long for her to return to her suave self.

"Welcome to the chaos, you beautiful, beautiful man. What brings you here?" She leaned against the table, her arms wide.

"To be honest, I was just going to come and fetch you so that we could go on a walk but it dawned on me that you must've been celebrating your first successful year."

"I'm glad you remembered, it means the world to me." Her radiant smile overtook him. This was around the time that gurads started notice the Prince had entered the room. Aphmau always talked to him so casually. Rumors had spread over the year though the castle staff that they had some sort of deeper relationship, but nobody truly knew. Nobody dared get in the way of their conversation, so they started to quiet down, until eventually it was silent. All that was left was their quiet chattering. They were ALL staring.

"Oi, what the hell happened?" Aphmau asked, loud enough that everyone heard in the large cafeteria. Blaze grinned.

"Aph, you're talking to the crowned prince. We just don't want to interrupt you." Aphmau's eyebrows knitted with frustration. Her smile drooped into a frown.

"You know, Princey's a person. We're both people. I don't give a damn what you've all been speculating about us but you can at least have enough courtesy to not make things awkward every time we sit in the same room together and talk."

"Aphmau, it's fine." Aaron had never heard those words in refrence to him. That he was a person. He was so happy to have her. Alas, that statement did not fix the mood, but it made it more tense.

"No, no. It's not fine. If it wasn't mine and Travis's special day I would've smacked each and every one of you who made this so weird upside the head. Just go back to playing the pretty music and talking so that I can go on with my night in peace." The music started back up and the talking hesitantly began again. Aaron leaned to whisper in Aphmau's ear.

"I'm sorry, if I hadn't come in to the room you could've had a peaceful night for once."

"No, you did absolutely nothing wrong. Thank you for being here." Aphmau whispered back, sincere as ever.

"I know this past year I've been a lot but for what it's worth, I'm glad you're here at the castle. You're the most kind and genuine person I've ever met." Aphmau's face lit up.

"Do you really mean that, Princey?" Her grin only grew wider as he nodded with an unexplainable look on his face.

"Stop telling her nice things! You're inflating her ego!" Travis yelled to Aaron from Lucinda's side.

"Shut up you cheeky bastard!" The guard yelled back, her face red with embarrassment. The guards caught a growing blush on the Prince's face as he turned away from the group. The night soon ended but it ended on a happy note.

Aaron didn't want to think about what his father might do to his dearest friend, so all he could do was lay down and let the darkness of sleep consume him.


The Prince's Shield- An Aarmau prince x guard AU [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now