The Royal Garden

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The prince and guard made their way outside, of course, not without Aphmau asking plenty of times where they were going since Aaron didn't take even a second to explain. After a while, she just closed her mouth like she was supposed to so she could pay more attention to her surroundings. 

They soon reached a beautiful garden, blooming with flowers of all colors in the rainbow. Aphmau bent down to examine the kinds of flowers growing and in the process, held out her finger for a butterfly to land on. "How beautiful." She hummed.

She moved her hand up so that the insect could fly away. Aaron had sat down on the edge of the fountain that was in the middle of all of the nature. She went right ahead and sat down next to him. Like an idiot, she began to speak. "This is a lovely garden, huh Princey."

"Stop calling me Princey."

"Would you rather me call you 'My King'?" Aphmau asked rather flirtatiously. She stood up, grabbing Aaron's hand and pecking the back of it. His cheeks flushed a deep red color, but he didn't rip his hand away. He only managed to spit out a few words.

"Neither! Who gave you the right to-" Aphmau bent over, laughing hysterically at his reaction.

"You're easily flustered, it's cute! I don't think you're the 'cold and mean prince,' you make yourself out to be."

Before the guard could get another word in, she registered the sound of wings flapping above her and tilted her head up. Aaron followed her gaze and gasped unconsciously.

Approching from the sky was a small, ocean blue wyvern. A species of dragon that was incredibly rare to come by. Very few people had them.

The blue dragon dropped a burlap bag with a note tying it shut, right into Aphmau's hands before perching on her shoulder. "Storm! Is this the chestplate? Thank you!" Storm didn't reply verbally, she just moved further up Aphmau's shoulder so that she could rest in the crook of her neck.

"How do you have a wyvern? They went back to their world thousands of years ago!" Aaron asked, still flustered from her actions.

"Not all of them did. Well, rephrased, not all of them could. This is Stormfly.  She's still a littleun, so she'll probably grow bigger with time, but she delivers and retrieves my mail. I found her egg abandoned about four years ago and took care of it until it hatched, then I took care of her so she's stayed with me since. I suppose I'm the only caretaker she's ever known."

"I see. Is she...friendly?"

"Oh yes! Incredibly so. She hasn't harmed a soul. She won't even eat the critters I try to feed her, much less a person. Storm here is just like a puppy." The small dragon perked up, staring at Aaron and wagging her tail. Aphmau held out her arm so that Storm could hop down next to the Prince. While Storm and Aaron were interacting, Aphmau was taking off her chestplate to try on her new one.

"What do you need a new chestplate for? Yours looks perfectly fine." Aaron asked, petting the Wyverns head.

"My wings weren't accessible with my other chestplate so I got a new one with technology which opens up two holes in the back when sense the magic beforehand. Speaking of which, I should test that out now." Aphmau shut her eyes, once again gritting her teeth in pain. The holes in the chestplate opened and the wings shot out. "Nice!"

"Wow..." Aaron breathed out, once again taking in the angel-like form. Even with all of the magicks he'd seen, he saw none as beautiful as hers. Then he focused in on how Aphmau's eyebrowns knitted together as her face scrunched up in agony. "Are you in pain when you do that?"

Aphmau had never been asked that question before. Granted, she tried not to make it to obvious that he powers hurt her as she'd been told by everyone in her life that they were a blessing. Beauty is pain. Still, she felt as though she had to answer her prince truthfully.

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